You stole our votes, Kalonzo tells Ruto

Mar 30, 2023 - 07:58
You stole our votes, Kalonzo tells Ruto
File image of Deputy President Willia Ruto and Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka (right). |Photo| Courtesy|
By Peter Ochieng The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party primaries conducted in over 30 Counties on Thursday 14, 2022 have been termed as unfair, by Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka. Speaking in Kajiado County on Sunday, April 17, 2022, Musyoka claimed the exercise was marred by irregularities, caused Deputy President (DP)William Ruto, who doubles up as UDA party leader. The former vice president claims such irregularities are part and parcel of tactics employed by Ruto, during the 2013 and 2017 presidential elections. [caption id="attachment_10548" align="alignnone" width="992"]File image of Wiper-Kenya leader Kalonzo Musyoka. |Photo| Courtesy| File image of Wiper-Kenya leader Kalonzo Musyoka. |Photo| Courtesy|[/caption] "During the 2013 and 2017 elections, Ruto stole our votes. We had won the elections with Raila. I have come to realize that it is Ruto who was rigging elections and not Uhuru. It is now clear and you have seen the menace manifest in the UDA party primaries even here in Kajiado," claimed Kalonzo. UDA nominations were marred by claims of violence and rigging in some parts of the Country. In some areas, the exercise was cancelled and pushed to Tuesday, April 19, 2022. Among the areas are: Biashara Ward in Nakuru Town East Constituency, all wards in Bumula, Mt. Elgon, Malava, Lugari, Likuyani, Turkana East and Turkana Central constituencies. Others are Mahiga and Endarasha Ward in Nyeri Town Constituency as well as Kibiricha, Kisima, Ruiri/Rwarera, Ntima East, Nyaki East, Nyaki West, Akirang’ondu, Mwanganthia, Abothoguchi, West, Nkomo, Nkuene, Abogeta East, Abogeta West and Akachiu wards in Meru County. In 2013 and 2017, Musyoka was Raila Odinga's running mate under CORD and NASA formations respectively, while DP Ruto and president Uhuru Kenyatta were in the other corner under Jubilee Alliance and Jubilee party respectively. Musyoka has since endorsed Raila's 5th presidential bid, under the Azmio La Umoja - One Kenya Alliance.

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