22-year-old man arraigned in a Kabarnet court for robbery with violence

Nov 16, 2023 - 15:30
22-year-old man arraigned in a Kabarnet court for robbery with violence
Photo: Courtesy.


Thursday, November 15, 23

KNA by Joan Tarus/Joshua Kibet

A- 22-year-old man who robbed a woman of Sh19,500 after giving her a hard slap across the face while armed with a knife has appeared before a Kabarnet court charged with robbery with violence.

The charge stated that on November 10, 2023 at around 9.30pm at Kivumbini village, Marigat Sub County within Baringo County, the accused, Dismas Kipsang, while armed with a knife, robbed Mary Muthoni of Sh19,500 and beat her up before fleeing.

The court was told that Muthoni was at home preparing food for her children when the accused entered the house while armed with a knife threatening to kill her.

Kipsang allegedly held Muthoni by the neck and slapped her on the face and in the process of the woman trying to save herself, the knife bruised her on the left hand.

After beating the complainant, the court heard, he entered the bedroom and made away with Sh19,500 which was kept in a drawer and left the house immediately.

Muthoni reported the incident on November 12 at Marigat police station before proceeding to Marigat Sub County hospital for treatment where she was discharged in a fair condition.

When the accusations levelled against Kipsang were read to him before Senior Principal Magistrate (SPM) Purity Kosgei on Tuesday, he pleaded not guilty.

“Your honour, I did not bruise Muthoni and never took the said money,” Kipsang claimed. The Senior Principal Magistrate released the accused on a Sh200,000 personal bond with one surety of similar amount. The case will come up for mention on November 28 when the court will give further directions.

Courtesy; KNA

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