70 new Advocates admitted into the roll of Advocates

Sep 20, 2024 - 18:52
70 new Advocates admitted into the roll of Advocates


Friday, 20 September, 2024 

McCreadie Andias 

In an event presided over by Chief Justice Martha Koome, 70 new advocates have been admitted to the Roll of Advocates on Friday.

As officers of the court, they are expected to assist the court in arriving at a fair and just decision. They should present evidence, make legal arguments, and provide information to the court to ensure a proper resolution of the case.

Koome urged the new Advocates to serve as social engineers, in alignment with the transformative vision of the Constitution.

"As the next generation of legal professionals, these new Advocates have an unparalleled opportunity to shape Kenya’s future. I urged them to become drivers of societal transformation by using their legal expertise to challenge the status quo when necessary, to promote rights, and to foster social harmony within their communities."The CJ noted. 

On her part, Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Hon Winfridah Mokaya urged the advocates to uphold integrity. 

" I want to implore you to cultivate the value of integrity early on in your respective careers. Do not succumb to the appealing but short-lived allure of unethical practice. Honesty does actually pay."Mokaya said. 

Solicitor General Shadrack Mose, representing AG Dorcas Oduor called on the new Advocates to exercise the fundamental ethical principles of law and justice. 

" Integrity, professionalism and relentless pursuit of justice should be your guiding principles when you go through challenges. …As you represent your clients remember you are not only an advocate for your client but a steward of the law."Mose stated. 

Meanwhile, Chairman of Senior Counsel Bar Dr Fred Ojiambo urged the Advocates to be governed by the principles of transparency and honesty while dealing with their clients. 

" You have a duty to your clients - be utterly honest to your clients and do not lie or corrupt the evidence. You also have a duty to the court – do not mislead the court. You also have a duty to the administration of justice – your fidelity to the administration of justice should not be compromised."Ojiambo noted. 

LSK Vice President Mr Mwaura Kabata called on the new Advocates to live reflecting the stature of the profession. 

"Do not still steal from the poor, and particularly, do not rob the widows by depriving them of their inheritance."He said. 

So far, Chief Justice Martha Koome has admitted over 5000 lawyers to the Bar, since her coming into office.

Criterias for a qualified advocate are defined under Section 12 and 13 of the Advocates Act, one may apply to be admitted as an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya where the process of admission is governed by Section 15 of the Advocates Act.

Advocates are admitted by the Chief Justice who hears their petition for admission and grants an order admitting the individual as an Advocate. 

The Chief Justice only grants the order admitting the petitioner as an Advocate upon being satisfied as to the qualifications, service and moral fitness of the petitioner.

The Council of Legal Education (CLE) and the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) have the right of audience during the hearing of the petition for admission. Once the order is granted, the individual takes an oath or makes an affirmation as an officer of the Court before the Chief Justice and signs the Roll of Advocates before the Chief Registrar or a Deputy Registrar.

It is an offence to practice law without admission as an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya.

Members of the public are also advised to seek legal services from persons who are admitted as Advocates. 

The Law Society of Kenya has a web page (https://online.lsk.or.ke/) where you check whether your advocate is duly admitted and has taken an annual Practicing Certificate.

A person seeking admission to the bar needs to demonstrate their qualifications, service and moral fitness to practice law. 

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