Abandoned Buildings, and Lack of streetlight blamed for Insecurity

Jul 17, 2023 - 15:03
Abandoned Buildings, and Lack of streetlight blamed for Insecurity
OC Crime incharge of Teso North Sub-county addressing the public on the state of security within Malaba Municipality.

Teso, Monday, July 17, 2023

KNA by Absalom Namwalo

Abandoned buildings and lack of security lights have been cited as the genesis of increased cases of insecurity in Teso North subcounty.

For the past one year, there have been cases of school break in and loss of properties with the criminals targeting electronics more so tablets meant for digital literacy programs in schools.

Teso North OC Crime Stephen Roktok said lack of street lights is promoting thuggery which is a key player of the illegal trade and which most people fear.

“Numerous abandoned and vacant houses and buildings throughout the subcounty in Teso North have become a haven for criminals,” noted OC Crime Roktok during a citizen forum organized by Malaba Municipality.

Roktok now wants the municipality to create a policy which will discourage mushrooming of incomplete buildings which have been hosting criminals even as they plan their missions.

“These excuses have to stop now, and property and homeowners must be held accountable for their properties, especially when they attract criminal activities,” he added.

He added that narrow roads are impacting negatively on his officers’ operation, thus the need to open feeder roads to ease their movement in case of an operation.

The officer challenged boda boda riders to embrace the culture of undertaking training at driving school to enable them obtain the requisite experience when they acquire motorcycles which will minimize accidents commonly witnessed along the busy Eldoret-Malaba Highway.

Roktok warned traders against the culture of selling goods along the roadsides noting its risk should an accident occur and also some of the trucks carry poisonous chemicals, which can be transmitted 100m away.

Amukura West Ward Administrator Maurice Aluku Omogo said many road reserves within the Municipality have been encroached, telling the "owners" to be ready to revert it to the Municipality but with compensation which might delay depending on circumstances.

Omogo urged Malaba municipality to engage with the owners to clean up the site or clean them at the cost of the owner.

In the spirit of community policing, Amagoro security department is set for a football tournament with the locals in order to create a mutual environment for their operation.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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