Country on Right track, Head of Public Service Says

Jan 15, 2024 - 12:11
Country on Right track, Head of Public Service Says
Head of Public Service Felix Koskei addressing mourners at Ngiriambu ACK in Gichugu, Kirinyaga County


Monday January 15, 2024

KNA by Mutai Kipngetich

Head of Public Service Felix Koskei has assured Kenyans that the country is moving in the right direction and called on Kenyans to desist from making any ill-informed statements.

Addressing mourners at the funeral service of Gladys Wanjiku Muriuki at Ngiriambu ACK Church in Gichugu, Kirinyaga County, he noted the government has programs, strategies and policies for betterment of the economy and all people.

The late Gladys was sister to Principal Secretary Mary Muthomi Muriuki (Health and Professional Standards) who succumbed to cancer.

 Kosgei used the platform to affirm the commitment of the president on turning around the economy of the nation, adding that the Kenya Kwanza manifesto will be fully implemented. 

Kosgei stated that the country is on the right track under President William Ruto's leadership, with all programs and policies aimed at transforming the country.

He expressed concerns over rising alcoholism and drug abuse in central Kenya, warning of a generation's loss if not addressed, and called for collective action against this significant impediment to the country's development.

 “Alcoholism is a major problem in this central region, part of Rift valley and Coast. If we don't take corrective measures, we are losing our future generation.” Kosgei said, emphasizing the need for constant alertness from the church, parents, and government officers, starting from the chiefs, to eliminate the vice.

The head of Public Service urged residents to invest in education, as it is crucial for formal employment as well as self-employment in the country. Kosgei emphasized the country's economic improvement, encouraging job creation and migration, and urging graduates to consider online jobs from foreign companies due to their good renumeration.

As the economy expands, noted Kosgei the, job opportunities increase, necessitating educated individuals to apply for both online and foreign positions.

He called upon public servants at both levels of government to be vigilant, to ensure no wastage of resources in their departments. 

Addressing the mourners, Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha said the court is blocking health reforms meant to uplift the citizens of Kenya pointing out that a plan to lower NHIF monthly contribution from Sh 500 to Sh 300 ought to have been implemented but is being hampered by some people who are beneficiaries of comprehensive health coverage and are sponsoring court cases.

She further advised the residents to visit hospitals for regular checkup for early diagnosis of some diseases.

Also present at the event was Kirinyaga County Governor Ann Waiguru, Principal Secretaries, Legislators and staff from the ministry of health.

Courtesy; KNA 


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