CS gives two week ultimatum to Isiolo leaders to return stolen animals

Jan 5, 2024 - 12:41
CS gives two week ultimatum to Isiolo leaders to return stolen animals
Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki addressing Isiolo County leaders and residents of Mlango area during the handing over of the recovered camels to the owners following weekend's raid.


Friday, January 5, 2024

KNA by Abduba Mamo/David Nduro

Interior Cabinet Secretary (CS) Prof. Kithure Kindiki has issued two weeks to criminals to return all stolen animals or face full force of the law.

He said that many officers in uniform lost their lives while providing services to the Kenya Government and its people while few elements are causing problems to the larger community.

The Kenyan security boss warned criminals to stop that silly behavior or leave the Country for good.

Prof. Kindiki said that the government would provide modern security equipment to security personnel including drones to monitor and destroy the hide out of cattle rustlers.

The CS who was officially handed over 201 camels stolen two weeks ago at Mlango Anti-Stock Theft Unit said the security operation maliza uhalifu would continue in six Counties in north rift and three Counties of Meru, Isiolo and Marsabit would be added.

He said that the current security operation is to deal with criminals and wananchi will continue with the normal activities unless they hide criminals and directed Rift Valley Regional Commissioner Dr. Abdi Hassan and his Eastern counterpart Paul Rotich to provide a road map in seven days before the gazette operation.

The Cabinet Secretary said that the operation in North Rift has reduced crime by 70 percent and warned those behind them that their days are numbered as the government wouldn’t spare them.

The Interior boss said the government would recruit 350 National Police Reservists to backup security in remote areas and must work with local administration officers.

Prof. Kindiki said that his office would allocate resources to local elected leaders and elders who spearhead the return of stolen animals.

He said chiefs and their assistants in whose area criminals are operating would be sacked and prosecuted while they deal with criminals.

He added that cattle rustlers would be treated like Al-Shabaab where security officers as they protect Kenyans and their properties would protect themselves by finishing them first.

The Minister who was accompanied by Regional security team from Rift Valley, Eastern and elected leaders including Governor Abdi Ibrahim Guyo, his deputy Dr. James Lowassa, Isiolo Women Rep. Mumina Bonaya, Members of County Assembly from Isiolo and Samburu said no stone would be left unturned until all stolen properties return to rightful owners.

The Elders led by Somali council of elders’ Secretary General Iddle Hassan said the operation should start despite the animals' return saying illegal firearms in wrong hands are a threat to country security including security officers.

Wananchi who echoed Oldonyiro Ward MCA David Lemantile urged the Minister to sign an operation saying every day on his visit the County criminals from Oldonyiro and Samburu East either raid or kill innocent people which they claim to be disrespectful to the government.

Courtesy; KNA 

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