Details of Raila's letter to Gen - Z

Jul 21, 2024 - 11:24
Details of Raila's letter to Gen - Z
Opposition leader Raila Odinga.


Sunday, 21 July, 2024 

McCreadie Andias 

Opposition leader Raila Odinga in an Open letter to the Gen-z on Sunday morning, expressed his concerns on the state of the national and issued the ultimatums for a nationwide dialogue that will shape the discourse for prosperity. 

In the letter, Odinga insisted that before any dialogue, Justice must be served to the victims of the nationwide protests which includes compensation for every victim of police brutality. 

Amongst other demands, Raila noted that all protest-related cases must be dismissed and called for immediate release of all abductees and those in jail, this comes amidst public concerns about the whereabouts of hundreds of Anti-government demonstrators where some have not been accounted for since the onset of the protests. 

Furthermore, Raila called for resolution of outstanding grievances by healthcare and education workers. This adresses the ongoing standoff between the government and medical interns over implementation of the 2017 CBA agreement and posting of the interns while JSS teacher demand to be formally hired under working contracts. 

Adressing the health insurance saga. Raila called for reinstatement of the NHIF cover and revocation of the newly created SHIF which has been a point of contention in the public healthcare domain. The SHIF was recently suspended by a court order terming it unconstitutional. 

While adressing the extra Judicial killings and protest injustices that have been executed by law enforcement agencies while handling peaceful protestors. The opposition leader demanded that all the perpetrators of protest deaths, Abductions and atrocities be brought to book and prosecuted under the law. 

"Once these issues are resolved, we can focus on a National Conversation, and conducted transparently in a neutral venue." Raila noted. 

Raila called for a holistic and rigorous approach in conducting the National dialogue that will shape the next steps for action and reforms. Here he proposed the dialogue to include representatives from across the divide in the religious sector, youths, government,Healthcare professionals, lawyers and teachers.

"We must come together to discuss national and constitutional critical issues touching on the following." Raila noted. 

Raila highlighted the pillars of discussion must touch on critical aspects related governance, Skyrocketing cost of living, Eradicating tribalism, Fighting corruption, Debt and fiscal management. 

"To the young people of Kenya, you all must know that I am deeply moved by your dedication to the cause; and I believe a structured dialogue will bring the reforms you are fighting for and safe guard Kenya for your future." Raila added.

This comes as speculation riffles on a Looming political pact between the opposition leader and President William that will lead to the formation of a Unity government.

Reports indicate that Raila and Ruto have been recently meeting secretly on regular occasions discussing avenues of collaboration and dialogue.

However, Azimio co-principals led by Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, DAP - K leader Eugene Wamalwa and Nark - K leader Martha Karua have rubbished dialogue with the government insisting that the president must implement the demands of the people without dialogue since all the demands have been made clear from the onset.

The leaders have stood firm that they will not go to bed with the Kenya Kwanza government which they term as "sanitizing the government's mess".

Reports from the Nation media also reveal that former President Uhuru Kenyatta is against the proposed pact between the Opposition and the Government, According to the Nation, Kenyatta has invited Raila and other opposition leaders to a secret meeting in Dubai with an aim to detter the latter from happening and allegedly discussing ideas to prepare Raila for 2027.

Kenyatta is also said to be against Raila's AUC Candidacy while he sees him at a suitable position to unsit President William Ruto in 2027 since the Government is currently in a fragile situation. 

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