ECDE centres receive furniture from County Government

Aug 1, 2023 - 07:29
ECDE centres receive furniture from County Government
Part of the ECDE furniture earmarked for distribution.


Monday July 31,2023

by Emily Kadzo

Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) learners from 12 schools in Kuresoi North have received age-appropriate furniture that will help create a conducive learning environment for them. 

Speaking during the distribution exercise at the area education office, the education Chief officer, John Koech noted that this will be a continuous exercise by the county government to ensure that the centres are well equipped not only with furniture but also other school amenities such as books, play equipment, proper sanitation services, classrooms and teachers. 

He affirmed that governor Susan Kihika's administration is committed towards infrastructure development in the centres as this will enhance the children's participation, enrollment and ensure quality education to all. 

This, according to Koech is in line with Governor's manifesto of provision of quality education in the county. 

On the same note, he announced that this financial year, the county plans to employ additional ECDE teachers to bridge the gap in the teacher-to-learner ratio with priority given to teachers currently employed by parents in public ECDE centres.

Distribution in the current exercise prioritized schools with high demand and large enrollment across the county. 

Since the onset of the exercise, 1,550 chairs and 270 tables have been distributed to over 65 schools in Molo, Njoro, Nakuru West, Nakuru East sub-counties. 

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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