El-Nino disaster preparedness committee in Kericho formed

Oct 9, 2023 - 21:01
El-Nino disaster preparedness committee in Kericho formed
Heavy rains accompanied hail stones brings down tents at Kericho Technical Training College during a Triple Threat event last month.


Monday October 9, 2023

KNA by Dominic Cheres

Head of Disaster Management in Kericho has singled out Kipkelion West as El-Nino rains risk area.

Mr. Eric Chesimet said according to the Meteorological department alert areas that might be affected by landslide include Kokwet, Kunyak, Chilchila, Chesonoi and Kamasian villages in Kipkeliion West Sub-County. Chesimet said this today during the inauguration of the Kericho County El-Nino Preparedness Committee.

The meeting which was chaired by Mr. Preston Ochieng an Assistant County Commissioner (ACC) who represented the Kericho County Commissioner Mr. Gilbert Kitiyo was told that Kapmiwa, Kapseger, Kapchorwa and Mbarakai villages all in Kipkelion West are areas that are likely to experience flash floods and earth movement during the El-Nino rains.

Mr. Chesimet said that to mitigate the anticipated effects of the Nino and early preparedness the residents in the areas through the National Government Administration Officers (NGAO) have been instructed to get ready to move to safer grounds on the onset of the rains.

Mr. Ochieng also said that Chiefs and their assistants have been advised to hold public barazas to create awareness to the residents on the dangers of the El-Nino rains and measures to take during the rains to mitigate the effects and tame loss of lives.

He said that an emergency number 1195 being used by the Red Cross will be used while other emergency numbers will be provided to assist in case of any assistance is required during the rains.

Mr. Ochieng said that all departments are members of the El-Nino preparedness and that they are required to be key participants in creation of awareness and other measures to assist people in the areas likely to be negatively affected by the heavy rains.

The ACC said that they had identified areas where the locals can move to in the mapped areas which include Kapseger and Chilchila Primary Schools in Kipkelion West.

The committee will be meeting regularly to plan and put in place measures to help wananchi during the period.

Courtesy; KNA


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