Father, mother and son arrested for killing man at chang’aa den

Mar 30, 2023 - 08:01
Father, mother and son arrested for killing man at chang’aa den
File image of a police crime scene tape. |Photo| Courtesy|
By Joshua Cheloti Police officers in Kuresoi Sub County have arrested three people believed to have been involved in the murder of a 39-year-old man at a Chang’aa den. According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), the three – father, mother, and son attacked the man identified as Stanly Sing’oei at a well-known traditional liquor den in Arorwet village, Kuresoi sub-county. The chang’aa den belongs to the family of the arrested members. Police say the man was attacked after confronting the den’s ‘mama pima’ identified as Sheila Langat over his missing Ksh23,500. “Stanley Sing’oei, 39, had visited the well-known traditional liquor den in Arorwet village, Kuresoi sub-county, on Monday afternoon and was enjoying the homebrew in the company of Sheila Langat, the brewer cum proprietor of the den. The two conversed spiritedly, as Sing’oei gulped his first pint in one swallow and ordered for a second,” DCI said in a statement posted on their Twitter handle. “He was barely done with the second when he noticed that Sh23,500, which he had earlier put in one of his pockets was missing. Since they were only the two of them, he turned to the ‘Mama Pima’ and asked her whether she had taken the money,” the statement added. A confrontation ensued between the two, attracting the attention of the brewer’s husband Charles Langat, and their 17-year-old son who descended on the deceased, hacking him to death using a machete. The area assistant chief Hillary Rotich, who was among the first responders rushed to the scene and found Sing’oei’s lifeless body sprawled on the ground, with a deep cut on his head. The assistant chief alerted detectives based at Kuresoi police station, 40 kilometers away from the scene of the incident. The officers rushed to the homestead, arrested the three suspects, and recovered the murder weapon, which was taken as an exhibit. “A whole family of father, mother and son is now in custody, being processed for murder, contrary to Section 203 as read with Section 204 of the Penal Code,” DCI said.

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