Government administrators warned over illicit brews, drug abuse

May 3, 2023 - 17:38
Government administrators warned over illicit brews, drug abuse
Nakuru County Commissioner Mr Lyford Kibaara (right) has read the riot act to law enforcement officers and local administrators who allow the sale of illicit brew as well as drugs and substance abuse in their jurisdiction. Photo by Anne Mwale.

Nakuru, Wednesday, May 3, 2023

KNA by Anne Mwale

Nakuru County Commissioner Lyford Kibaara has read the riot act to law enforcement officers and local administrators who allow the sale of illicit brews and drugs in their jurisdictions.

Kibaara said the use of alcoholic and narcotic substances has contributed to the rise in many forms of crime in the society.

He warned that each administrator, right from the Deputy County Ccommissioner, Assistant County Commissioner to the chiefs and their assistants will be held personally responsible for any illicit brews and drug and substance abuse cases reported in their jurisdiction.

He particularly took issue with Bondeni, Kaptembwa and London estates, where he accused law enforcement officers and administrators of laxity in curbing the vices.

Kibaara warned that police officers and administrators involved in the illicit brew as well as drug trafficking rackets will be severely dealt with. He asked the law enforcers to stick to professional ethics or quit.

“The concerns have been brought to my attention and they amount to a serious breach of professional ethics that should never be tolerated. We are investigating and will take necessary action,” he said.

“I am taking up the matter personally and any officer found culpable will be firmly dealt with,” he warned.

The County Commissioner called on residents to report cases of rogue officers and administrators collecting bribes from drug peddlers and brewing dens.

“They should not suffer in silence. Let them report any wrongdoings by rogue police officers and administrators for immediate action. It is not only illegal to abet illicit brews trade but our officers should not use such avenues to mint money from criminals,” he noted.

Speaking at the Regional Commissioner’s Plenary Hall in Nakuru, the administrator further appealed to members of the public to volunteer information on illicit brew dealers and drug dealers to local chiefs, police stations and local leaders to enable police to take stern action against them.

He made the remarks during a consultative meeting that brought together Assistant County Commissioners, Chiefs, Assistant Chiefs, religious leaders and members of Nyumba Kumi committees from three Sub-Counties of Nakuru Town East, Nakuru Town West and Nakuru North.

 Kibaara cautioned bar owners to adhere to the laid down guidelines adding that those found stocking second generation brews will be subjected to criminal prosecution.

“We have put the administrators on notice. Those who will continue overseeing the crime in their jurisdiction will be held accountable,” said the County Commissioner, adding that the courts are now imposing heavy penalties on those found guilty of the crimes.

He advised government officers sabotaging the war against illicit alcohol or involved in the illegal business to mend their ways before the law catches up with them.

“We will not allow public officers collaborating with the illicit alcohol brewers to benefit from the killer industry. We will put on our radar law enforcement agents and administrators who collect ‘protection fees’ from the brewers and in return leak information about planned raids to the culprits, Kibaara said.

He went on, “We cannot have administrators tolerating illicit brews, but we shall equally support and recognize those going an extra mile to rid their areas of illicit alcohol,” he said.

The Ccounty Ccommissioner urged the Judiciary to help in fighting the illegal and lethal trade by giving the offenders punitive jail sentences.

The Government, Kibaara said, will deal firmly with criminal gangs that have been terrorizing Kenyans, and expressed concern that some of the gang members were as young as 12 years.

He directed chiefs and assistant chiefs to hold public barazas at least twice a month to articulate government policies, offer sensitization on various issues and collect feedback from citizens.

Such forums the administrator affirmed should also be used to educate the youth against joining criminal gangs and engaging in illicit activities.

"As a government, we are determined to deal with criminal gangs. We will apply pressure on them until they are all decimated," he said.

The county commissioner further affirmed that they have enhanced a crackdown on the gangs operating in various locations in Nakuru.

“We shall continue with the operation to ensure the gangs have no space in Nakuru and make our town a safe place for the residents. They either reform or face the law,” said Mr Kibaara 

The Ccounty Ssecurity Ccommittee, he said, was forging a closer working relationship with all stakeholders to ensure an easy flow of intelligence to deal with gang violence in the county.

"We have profiled them (gangs) and we know that there are several such groups. We have done sector by sector deployment and there is 24-hour surveillance tracking their movements,'' he said.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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