Governor Mwangaza to face Senate plenary

Oct 31, 2023 - 19:21
Oct 31, 2023 - 19:24
Governor Mwangaza to face Senate plenary

By Peter Ochieng

The Senate on Tuesday voted against a motion to establish an 11 member committee to probe the impeachment of Meru governor, Bishop Kawira Mwangaza.

The first term county boss elected on an independent ticket was on 25th October, 2023 unanimously removed from office by way of impeachment, by members of the Meru County Assembly.

It was the second impeachment within a span of a year, after she survived the first removal from office at the hands of the Senate in December, 2022.

Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina who doubles up as Senate Minority Whip moved a motion to have the Senate go the committee way, instead of the plenary way.

He gave a list of 11 Senators to sit in the committee.

They are: Bonny Khalwale - Senator, Kakamega

Jackson Arap Mandago - Senator, Uasin Gishu

Paul Karungo Thang'wa - Senator, Kiambu

Esther Okenyuri Anyieni - Senator, nominated

Ali Roba - Senator, Mandera

Enock Wambua - Senator, Kitui

Abdul Haji - Senator, Garissa

Okoiti Okiyah Omtatah - Senator, Busia

Peris Tobiko - Senator, nominated Crystal Asige - Senator, nominated

Crystal Asige - Senator, nominated 

Shikila Abdalla - Senator, nominated

However, after a fierce debate, Senators settled on the plenary way.

A committee investigated the first impeachment motion against the embattled county boss.

Migori Senator Eddy Oketch, Lamu's Joseph Kamau, Edwin Sifuna of Nairobi, Machakos County's Agnes Muthama, Taita Taveta's Johnes Mwarume and Bonny Khalwale were among the 11 Senators that probed the first impeachment motion against governor Mwangaza.

59 out 69 Meru County MCAs voted to impeach the governor, after several allegations were levelled against her.

The charges include misappropriation and misuse of public resources, nepotism and unethical practices, bullying, vilification and demeaning other county leaders, illegal appointments and usurpation of statutory powers, being in contempt of court, illegally naming a public road after her husband and contempt of the County Assembly.

The matter will be heard and determined within 10 days.

It is worth noting that two governors who ever faced the Senate plenary eventually went home.

They are former Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu and former Nairobi county chief Mike Sonko.

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