Harmonize reveals paying school fees for Paula

Aug 11, 2023 - 09:48
Harmonize reveals paying school fees for Paula
Konde Music Worldwide boss Harmonize with Paula's mother Kajala Masanja. Photo/Facebook.

By Robert Mutasi 

The Tanzanian artist Rajab Abdul Kahali, also known as Harmonize, has hinted that he paid school fees for Kajala Masanja's daughter, Paula, for a while.

Konde Boy made this claim on Instagram while attacking the 21-year-old model on Thursday after she intervened in a conflict between him and her mother.

"You should have just kept quiet because I told you not to snap and even the bicycle that was bought for you by your older woman and her man you can’t," Harmonize told Paula on Thursday.

Konde Boy bragged about being a good father to the young model and warned her that she would be cursed if she continued to disrespect him.

The singer of the hit 'Single Again' also hinted that he had tried hard while he was in a relationship with Kajala and suggested that it was now time for everyone to move on with their lives.

The war started after the boss of Konde Music Worldwide attacked his ex-girlfriend Kajala Masanja and made several accusations against her and her daughter.

The boss of Konde Music Worldwide claimed that the model sought him out even before she started dating her mother Kajala.

Konde Boy claimed that the 20-year-old beauty sought him out through her half-brother, hoping to have a close relationship with him.

"Truthfully, she doesn't hate me (Paula). In 2017 she sought me out through her baby brother POL, they share a father. He told me my sister wants to speak with you, this is her Instagram page. Let me tell you this girl has been on Instagram since 2017, me and my crazy friends know!! You think she just started the other year," Harmonize said while responding to his ex-girlfriend, Kajala Masanja.

He added, "I spoke with her and she gave me her number, and she said don't tell my mother too much. I didn't pay attention because she was also very young and still in school. After two years she finds love has deepened, I care for you, I serve you, everything you want I give to you and even her I give what she wants like my daughter then she started figuring out what this is!! She wanted to be her, she started asking for more money."

Konde Boy said that despite everything, he continued to respect the model until he found out that his ex, Kajala, used her phone to talk to other men.

He also hinted that he was very surprised after allegations that he was trying to flirt with Paula emerged, claiming that they had previously had such conversations many times without any problem.

"After realizing that you guys are just friends it made me start responding with all my might. So even the matter of switching off the lights I was just surprised on that day how it happened since we’ve had such talks many times," he said.

In her response, Paula asked the musician to leave her alone and focus on the woman he is alleged to have had a child with.

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