Kajulu Residents Refuse Dumpsite Relocation

Oct 2, 2023 - 17:46
Kajulu Residents Refuse Dumpsite Relocation
Photo: Courtesy.


Monday, October 2, 2023

KNA By Milton Onyango

The residents of Mamboleo in Kajulu have opposed the planned relocation of the garbage dumping site to the slaughterhouse in the area.

The residents pointed out that there has been nothing but hue and cry since the metal dumping site was taken to Kano hence, they will not agree to such an idea.

“I want to say that we categorically reject the establishment of any other activity at the slaughterhouse due to hygienic concerns because the garbage collection point had been identified at Sidho and you cannot mix trash with food,” noted David Abon and a resident.

The residents pointed out that it would have been appropriate if the views of the residents were solicited first before such a decision was made.

Another resident Charles Odongo asked the city managers to first engage the residents in a public participation forum before making such a decision saying no to the establishment of a dumping site.

Similar sentiments were echoed by the chairman of Mamboleo market Denis Otieno who is also a board member of the slaughter house who called on city manager Abala to concentrate on implementing the slaughterhouse project as opposed to the refuse collection project.

A resident Duncan Onyango pointed out that the establishment of the slaughterhouse within Mamboleo estate went through the requisite processes that include consultation with the office of the city manager and the department of public health that ratified and cleared the project hence there should be no implementation of conflicting projects.

Courtesy; KNA



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