Marsabit residents demand a share of wind power project

Oct 22, 2023 - 16:16
Marsabit residents demand a share of wind power project
Loyangalani Wind Power project in Marsabit. Photo/Courtesy.


Sunday October 22, 2023

KNA by Gatana Muchira

Residents of Marsabit County are demanding some benefit from the Loyangalani wind power project in Marsabit County.

The Power project which has a capacity to produce 310 megawatts can supply one million homes with electricity.

Laisamis MP Joseph Lekuton told a Mashujaa day celebration gathering at the Moyale township primary school ground that it was time the County assembly moved a bill on how the residents of Marsabit should directly benefit from the power generated from the Loyangalani wind power farm.

He regretted that the power generated from the local wind power plant station was connected to the national electricity without regard to the plight of the host communities who remained in darkness.

“It is very demoralizing to see that 17 percent of the electrical power consumed throughout the entire republic of Kenya emanates from Marsabit County and yet not even one household benefits from the power’ he said.

He lamented that residents were forced to rely on generators which were prone to breakages and were not environmentally friendly and clean sources of energy compared to the windmills.

He said it was unfortunate that the power generated transverses through the marginalized county to Suswa where it is then distributed to other parts of the country while some residents of Marsabit County where the electricity is generated have closed down their business due to power outages.  

The same sentiments were echoed by the North Horr MP Haji Wario who also appealed to the Governor to ensure that the residents of Ileret benefit from archaeological sites and the Sibiloi National Park.

The Marsabit County Woman representative Canon Naomi Wako who was also present assured the leaders that the matter was being handled at a higher level by the Ministry of Energy officials.

Marsabit County Commissioner Nobert Komora while responding to a question raised by a member of the county assembly about the delay in the issuance of national identity cards appealed to all leaders to sensitize the residents on the importance of acquiring MAISHA NAMBA immediately after the exercise is launched by the president William Ruto.

He said vetting of people who have applied for the issuance of identity cards will be a thing of the past because the Maisha Namba will be used as a permanent identity card from the date of birth until death.

Courtesy; KNA


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