Ministry of Interior expected to draft new cybersecurity regulation

Aug 29, 2023 - 11:37
Ministry of Interior expected to draft new cybersecurity regulation
Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Interior and National Administration Kithure Kindiki. Photo/Kithure Kindiki/Facebook.

By Robert Mutasi 

The Ministry of Interior and National Administration (MINA) has issued a public call for feedback on the draft regulations for the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act, 2023. 

The draft, which was developed by a taskforce appointed by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki in May 2023, is aimed at operationalizing the Act. 

MINA is encouraging institutions, organizations, and individuals to submit their comments and suggestions from August 29 to September 19, 2023.

 Submissions can be made in person, via registered courier or post, or through email at 

“Comments and submissions can be hand delivered or sent via registered courier/post to the Ministry of Interior and National Administration physical/postal address within working hours, or sent to the email address (,” MINA said

In an effort to ensure broad consultations and public participation, as mandated by the constitution, the Ministry will also hold public engagement meetings in eight regions across the country. 

The proposed regulations are designed to establish a framework for monitoring, detecting, and responding to cybersecurity threats in Kenya's cyberspace.

 They also aim to set up Cybersecurity Operations Centres, protect and manage Critical Information Infrastructure, and provide for audit and inspection of National Critical Information Infrastructure. 

Additionally, the regulations include provisions for recovery plans in case of a disaster, breach, or loss of national critical information infrastructure. 

The committee overseeing this initiative is chaired by Interior Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo and includes representatives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, Communications Authority, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Information Ministry, Data Commissioner, and Attorney General.

Kenya is experiencing a rise in online threats, with an average of one million reported online crimes per day. 

This poses a growing challenge for businesses and individuals in the country.

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