MP Caleb Amisi Endorsed for Minority Leader Position

Jul 31, 2024 - 14:36
MP Caleb Amisi Endorsed for Minority Leader Position
Sabaot Member of Parliament Caleb Amisi. Photo/Courtesy.

By Robert Mutasi 

Leaders of the Orange Democratic Movement from Trans Nzoia county have endorsed Sabaot Member of Parliament Caleb Amisi to be appointed as Minority Leader in the National Assembly.

This follows President William Ruto's move to nominate Opiyo Wandayi as one of the Cabinet Secretaries to his Cabinet. 

The members led by the county ODM Secretary, John Simiyu, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, said that the position suits the Sabaot MP well.

Simiyu has described Amisi as a loyal leader who has stood firm with the ODM party during difficult times when others left. 

"Honorable Amisi is the first ever MP to remain and stick with Raila while other MPs have run away from him during difficult times," said Simiyu. 

According to Simiyu, Amisi has been a diligent leader and has been fighting for the party to ensure it is strong. 

"Honorable Caleb Amisi has been resilient, steadfast, committed and loyal to the Orange Democratic Movement party since he joined politics in 2014," he stated.

He has mentioned Amisi as a courageous leader who has been involved in the activities, plans and projects of the party as well as making it a priority to challenge the oppressive government through parliamentary arguments to protests. 

"He has never shied away from participating actively in party programs in and outside parliament including the protest against oppressive governments," he stated. 

The leaders have urged Raila Odinga to support Amisi in the appointment of theLeader of Minority seat in parliament. 

Despite the strong opposition from many parties in the county, the members congratulated Amisi for standing firm with the ODM party. 

The leaders stressed that this courage convinced other leaders in those areas to vie for various seats such as MCA in the County under ODM party. 

Simiyu has explained that MP Amisi has already been backed up by others leaders from Rift Valley and Western region. 

"Together with our counterparts in Turkana, Elgeyo Marakwet, West Pokot, Uasin Gishu, TransNzoia and Bungoma counties, have proposed Honorable Caleb Amisi, MP Sabaot Constituency to be granted the position of Minority Leader in the National Assembly," Simiyu said. 

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