Narok Muslim leaders call for peace

Jun 8, 2023 - 23:12
Narok Muslim leaders call for peace
Muslim leaders adress the media

Narok, Thursday, June 8, 2023

KNA by John Kaleke

Narok Muslims leaders have called on Christians to uphold peace after a confrontation that was witnessed last week in Suswa Town between the two religious groups.

The Muslim leaders from Narok, asked the Maasai community living in Suswa town to continue embracing a brotherhood spirit like they had done in the past.

Speaking to the press in Narok Jamia Mosque, Ramadhan Shabaan, Muslim youth leader, said the Muslims who have been confronted last week were preaching the gospel in Suswa town.

Shabaan urged the government and the elders from the two religions to hold a meeting to resolve the issues between the residents living in Suswa, so that the incident won’t happen again.

“Kenya has got no set religion. Every citizen has a right of worship in Kenya,” said Shabaan.

On his part, Muhammed Dhaher, a committee member at Jamia Mosque Narok, applauded the security team for holding a peace meeting between the leaders of the two religions, and for bringing back things to normalcy and restoring peace.

Dhaher added that the complaints brought by Suswa residents are not true or rather agreed to the Muslims’ religion.

“Muslim religion does not agree with things to do with Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBQT). The residents have been lied about the beliefs of Muslims region,” said Dhaher

Hassan Letoluo, a resident of Ewaso Nyiro, Narok, said the action witnessed in Suswa is not from the Maasai community, because they usually seek clarification on any issues before they act.

“I’m a Maasai myself and we have our families in Suswa, and we’re preparing to go to Suswa and preach in the Maasai language. This will let the Maasai people understand the Muslims Religion well,” added Letoluo.

Further, Muhammed Hassan a Muslim elder, said the government should carry out an investigation into the matter to ensure culprits face the law.

The Muslims leaders look forward to meeting with the security team and holding a meeting to discuss the way forward.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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