NSDCC Launches Initiative to Eliminate the Triple Threat Challenge

Apr 30, 2023 - 14:45
NSDCC Launches Initiative to Eliminate the Triple Threat Challenge
From right to left, Tharaka Nithi First Lady Ms. Margaret Muthomi, (holding umbrellas) Hon Ipato Surum (Anti FGM chairperson), NCPD, DG, Dr. Sheikh Mohammed and NSDCC, CEO, Dr. Ruth Lainon Masha during the launch of 'Jiinue Sasa' Initiative at Chuka Picnic grounds in Tharaka Nithi County yesterday.

Chuka, Sunday, April 30, 2023

KNA by David Mutwiri

The National Syndemic Diseases Control Council (NSDCC) has launched an initiative that aims at eliminating three related challenges that pose a threat to the welfare of young mothers and the community at large.

The Initiative dubbed ‘Jiinue Sasa’ aims to bring to an end the triple threat of HIV infection, Social Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and Adolescent pregnancies through community dialogue that encourage parents to conduct sex education and reproductive health to their children.

Presiding over the event the spouse to the Tharaka Nithi governor Ms. Margaret Muthomi disclosed that research has revealed that Tharaka Nithi County is leading in teenage pregnancies and HIV infections in the country.

"Most of the teenage pregnancies, according to the research, is that they are as a result of incest," Ms. Muthomi lamented.

"The only solution to these threats is by holding candid conversations with the children and reporting the matter to the authorities and escalating to higher levels if there is no action taken. If the chief does not act, seek assistance from the police or even the Deputy County Commissioner. Gone are the days when parents were ashamed of conducting sex education and reproductive health to their children," added the County First Lady.

She further disclosed that in the some parts of the county, there are people still conducting Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and this poses a big threat to the health and lives of those children who undergo the cut.

NSDCC, CEO Dr. Ruth Masha said that the triple three threats especially adolescent pregnancies infringe on young people’s fundamental rights to complete education leading to the loss of economic opportunities.

Dr. Masha underscored the fact that the body no longer tolerates “Kangaroo courts” and will hold into account anybody holding talks or meetings with a perpetrator without taking that person before the court of law.

"I will ensure that findings from the headquarters in Nairobi are used at the community level to help people living with the triple threats. I will work with Community Health Volunteers among other people to ensure that they are eliminated,” said the CEO.

The Director General, National Council of Population Development (NCPD) highlighted the national pandemics and their efforts in tackling them as they are multi- faceted and affecting everyone around.

"Together with the other government agencies that include the National Government Administration Officers (NGAO), NSDCC, the Anti FGM body and the community are applying a multi-sectoral approach to tackle this deadly problem. At the county level we have a coordinated mechanism chaired by the county commissioners," Dr. Mohammed disclosed.

The event which was held at Chuka Picnic Grounds was attended by Gender based violence survivors, HIV survivors, young mothers among other stakeholders in Tharaka Nithi and neighboring counties.

Dialogue forums were held among which they shared their different opinions on the triple threats and also discussed their individual roles in ending the threats. 

The National Syndemic Diseases Control Council (NSDCC) is a State Corporation established under Section 3 of the State Corporations Act, Cap 446, through the National AIDS Control Council Order, 1999 as amended by legal notice number 143 of 2022. The Council is mandated to manage the following syndemic diseases; HIV, sexually transmitted infections, malaria, leprosy, tuberculosis and lung disease. 

 Courtesy; K.N.A

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