PWDs sensitized on GBV reporting mechanisms

Oct 12, 2023 - 16:27
PWDs sensitized on GBV reporting mechanisms
Lawyer Dominic Mbugua sensitizes participants during a prevention and awareness raising on Gender-Based Violence at Baawa village in Samburu north. The advocate touched on the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act, the Children's Act, the Penal Code Act, and the Constitution. (Photo by Robert Githu).


Thursday, October 12, 2023

KNA by Robert Githu

People with Disabilities (PWD) from Samburu North Sub County have benefited from sensitization workshops on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and the legal referral pathways, courtesy of the Kenya Red Cross Society prevention and awareness-raising campaigns.

The participants, drawn from different parts of Samburu North have been sensitized on ending GBV which includes child marriage, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and teenage pregnancies.

Speaking in Baragoi town during a PWD sensitization workshop, Anu Anu-Rantala from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Head of Cooperation Counsellor, Gender and Governance noted that as development partners they work closely with the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) in Samburu, Bungoma, Baringo and Kilifi to end FGM and GBV.

“We know KRCS has a pool of volunteers and community health promoters and works well with communities. We support the messaging by GBV to create awareness and change, which is why we are here to see the progress and hear from the beneficiaries,” she said.

At the same time, she noted that PWDs are more vulnerable to GBV and it’s important that they are sensitized on the legal reporting process.

During a sensitization session of women and men at Baawa village, it emerged that the community prefers to solve defilement cases through communal courts headed by Samburu elders rather than reporting to the authorities.

The participants further revealed that women first report teenage pregnancy cases to teachers after which the pregnancy is kept a secret and after the child is born, elders form a kangaroo court and fine the man responsible for the pregnancy a small fee of around Sh 120,000 for the child’s upkeep.

 “Around here women have no power and the law belongs to the men. We don't know where to report cases since police stations are very far away,” said Florence Nasieku.

Margaret Nawar from the Maralal law courts advised the community members to report GBV cases to chiefs or Nyumba Kumi members in areas where there are no police stations.

She further sensitized the participants on the forensic preservation of clothes and the body in cases of rape or defilement to aid successful prosecution of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Samburu North.

Maralal-based High Court advocate Dominic Mbugua sensitized the participants on the laws that protect them from GBV such as the Protection against Domestic Violence Act, the Penal Code Act, the Children’s Act, and the constitution of Kenya.

The PWD participants were also trained on entrepreneurship and business skills and urged to form groups in order to access funding from the Department of Trade from the county government.

The participants welcomed the sensitization forums and agreed to be anti-GV ambassadors in their respective villages.

Courtesy; KNA

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