Loosuk residents protest over insecurity

Oct 31, 2023 - 19:46
Loosuk residents protest over insecurity
Photo: Courtesy.


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

KNA by Lelendu Petikas

At least 3000 residents held demonstrations in Loosuk trading centre in Samburu West Sub-County protesting over insecurity after three herdsmen were killed during a banditry raid.

The enraged villagers including women children and elderly members of the society demanded for action from the national government after the heavily armed raiders left at least six other herders with serious injuries during the attack.

Preliminary reports into the incident indicated that the suspected cattle rustlers also made away with an unknown number of livestock as those injured were fighting for their lives at the Maralal Hospital.

The residents led by Samburu Women Rep Pauline Lengures and area MCA lkaunda Lenamparasio blamed the government for failure to contain the banditry menace claiming no action was taken yet it was common knowledge that the gunmen from Tiaty in East Pokot of Baringo County.

Lengures asked President William Ruto to immediately intervene and put to an end to the menace saying more than 100 people had since lost their lives while thousands of cattle were stolen yet no recovery was ever made by the security officers based at Loosuk Pura and Longewan camps.

She accused the Samburu County security team led by County Commissioner Henry Wafula of offering lip services to the crisis and even misleading the national government that they had recovered the stolen animals and removed the bodies from the scene yet they were still there even as KNA went to press.

Lengures and Lenamparasio threatened to take legal action against the Minister for Interior Kithure Kindiki if no action was taken over the killer bandits and for the removal of the army in Pura and Nolkera claiming they had failed to stem insecurity in the area.

Leaders said tension was still high in Lolomolk where the three young boys were killed while an elder in the area Nasha Learus called on the President to visit the area where the people were killed to appreciate their plight.

Courtesy; KNA


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