Reprieve for Kiambu residents as Rural Access Roads are Graded

Jun 13, 2023 - 12:43
Reprieve for Kiambu residents as Rural Access Roads are Graded
A road under construction

Thika, Tuesday June 13, 2023

KNA by Hellen Lunalo

The Kiambu County Government has embarked on a programme of grading access roads in all the villages in efforts to open up the rural parts of the county.

This comes as a reprieve to residents who have been suffering due to poor accessibility especially in terms of vehicular transport.

In Thika township ward, grading has already been done in Athena, Makongeni, and Karibaribi areas among several other rural access roads in the ward.

Area MCA Kennedy Mwangi said traders and those in the transport sector have suffered the most, adding that during times of fire outbreak or emergencies that required quick interventions, it has been difficult to access the area due to poor road network.

“We have begun with grading, and once funds are made available, we shall go ahead and tarmac some of the major access roads,” he said.           

Karibaribi residents led by Judy Wangari lauded the ongoing grading of roads saying roads in the area have been impassable for the longest time, especially during rainy seasons.

They said they have been using long alternative routes to reach their destinations since vehicles pulled out of the area routes due to the poor roads.

“We have been suffering for a long time, especially during rainy seasons. To go out of home, one needs to carry an extra pair of shoes to change once you get to the main road because they are embarrassingly muddy to get to your destination in them. This project is therefore long overdue and we are grateful,” said Wangari.

The access roads will complement the many road tarmacking projects that are being implemented in the area.

Among the roads include the Njomoko-Mangu-Flyover Road, whose tarmacking is ongoing after stalling for some time.

The road is meant to connect Thika superhighway to the Naivasha-Nakuru highway, easing accessibility and traffic in the area.

Another road is the 18km Gatuanyaga-Munyu-Kangoki road that will act as a link road to ease traffic at the Thika-Garissa Highway. It has since stalled but the government has assured that works will restart once funds are available.

The residents further urged the government to enhance security by installing street lights in the area stating that the village is largely covered by coffee and maize plantations which makes it unsafe at night.

This, they said, would help them operate their business effectively especially during night time without worrying about security.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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