Security beefed up in Laikipia as KCSE exams begin
Monday, November 6, 2023
KNA by Muturi Mwangi
Security has been beefed up in Laikipia county as the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations kick off today across the country.
Laikipia County Commissioner Joseph Kanyiri speaking while opening the national examination storage container in Nanyuki on Monday morning said that security personnel, invigilators and centre managers were briefed on how to ensure the Form-four candidates sit their exams smoothly without interruption.
“We have deployed security officers to ensure that the exam is done in accordance with the rules, our centre managers have been briefed on what they are expected to do during this exam season and we are hopeful everything will go on well,” said the Commissioner.
The administrator also said that with about 11,026 KCSE candidates sitting for their exams today across the county, transportation of the examination materials had been enhanced to ensure no student would miss out doing the national examinations due to the on-going rainfall.
“Arrangements have been made to ensure there is proper transport of the exam papers, 4x4 vehicles which are serviceable and in good shape have been deployed across all the exam centres,” said Kanyiri.
At the same time, Kanyiri alerted KCSE centre managers about flash floods in some parts of the county and asked them to raise an alarm if they needed their exams to be airlifted to prevent any hiccups.
In this year’s KCSE, about 903, 260 candidates will be sitting for this year’s exams across the country.
The 2023 KCSE exams began on October 23 with practicals and today (Monday) the form-four candidates are expected to sit for Chemistry and English Paper 1 theory tests. On Tuesday they will sit for Math Paper 1 and English Paper 2. The exams will run for a period of one month.
Courtesy; KNA
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