Security officers uproot bhang cultivated in the outskirts of Siaya town

May 26, 2023 - 10:07
Security officers uproot bhang cultivated in the outskirts of Siaya town
Security officers uprooting bhang at a farm in Siaya

Siaya, Thursday May 25, 2023

KNA by Philip Onyango

Security agencies in Siaya have uprooted bhang of unknown value that an unscrupulous farmer had planted amidst a maize plantation at Sulwe village in the outskirts of Siaya town.

According to Siaya deputy county commissioner, Robert Ng’etich, the security agents, working on a tip from members of the public raided the one-acre maize farm only to discover the drug thriving deep in the middle of the farm, where it had been intercropped with maize.

Ng’etich, who was flanked by the sub county police commander, Benedict Mwangangi led a contingent of police and prisons officers in uprooting the illegal crop which was later loaded onto police vehicles and transported to Siaya police station.

“For now, we cannot not state the market value but it is substantial” said Ng’etich who hailed the public for sharing the information with the security agents.

The DCC said that the patriotic citizen’s effort had saved very many people who would have been affected by the drug had it been left to mature and find its way into the market.

“Were it not for the patriotic Kenyan, you can imagine the damage that this bhang would have done to our population” he said.

The county commissioner warned drug peddlers and those cultivating the same that their days were numbered as the security agencies will be more vigilant to ensure that farms are not turned into illegal drugs production points.

He said that no suspect has been arrested so far but the police had taken up the matter.

 “We have initiated other processes to establish the farm owner,” he said.

A source that sought anonymity however confided to the media that the same suspect being sought had in the past few years, cultivated bhang on a plot between the Kenya Wildlife services offices and the Siaya police station fence, but was discovered and the drug uprooted.

 Courtesy ; K. N. A

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