Senator Cheruiyot pokes holes in Junet’s claims on Uhuru impeachment plot

Mar 30, 2023 - 07:45
Senator Cheruiyot pokes holes in Junet’s claims on Uhuru impeachment plot
Collage image of Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot and Suna East MP Junet Mohamed (r). |Photo| Courtesy|
By Joshua Cheloti Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot has pocked holes into a claim made Suna East Member of Parliament Junet Mohamed over President Uhuru Kenyata’s claim that his deputy William Ruto conspired to impeach him. In an interview with Nation, Junet was quoted claiming that the DP offered ODM leader Raila Odinga half of senior government positions if he helped him impeach the President. “The deal was too enticing to us but we had to weigh it carefully. Why would we settle for the Number Two slot when our party leader was himself more qualified for the top job?” the MP, a close ally of the former Prime Minister said. Senator Cheruiyot however says Junet Mohammed’s claim conflicts with that issued by Raila. [caption id="attachment_9604" align="alignnone" width="924"]File image of Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot. |Photo| Courtesy| File image of Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot. |Photo| Courtesy|[/caption] The ODM leader was recently quoted saying he was not aware of any plans to impeach the President. “I am not aware of any impeachment attempts or claims on President. I’ve got nothing to say,” Raila told Citizen TV on Tuesday. This is after Uhuru, during a meeting with some 3,000 elders from the Mount Kenya region said he had to work with Raila after realizing that the DP was plotting to impeach him. “So the PPEs munching cow from Suna is accusing Raila of lying ama what is the gutter story @NationAfrica is running? Raila claims to be unaware of such a move, Junet says he briefed him after the meeting... Anyway, it's a tower of babel, this Kuzimia house of lies..,” said Senator Cheruiyot. Uhuru’s claim has sparked mixed reactions across the political divide with DP Ruto, eyeing the presidency saying he had no such plans against a government he was part of. Ruto while on his presidential campaign trail termed Uhuru’s claim against him as lies and propaganda. “Mr President you know it is not true it is false and I want to ask you out of humility to protect the office of the president,” DP Ruto said. “Please do not allow State House to be the arena where falsehoods, propaganda, and negative ethnicity are being propagated against me as your deputy. My friend I stood by you when no other person was ready to stand by you,” he added. The president has already declared support for Raila Odinga’s presidential bid through the Azimio la Umoja Coalition.

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