Uasin Gishu doctors issue strike notice over unfulfilled promises

Jan 24, 2024 - 11:03
Uasin Gishu doctors issue strike notice over unfulfilled promises
A section of KMPDU officials after a press briefing in Eldoret.


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

KNA by Kiptanui Cherono

Doctors in Uasin Gishu County have issued a 21-day strike notice over poor working conditions in public hospitals across the county.

Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU), officials led by the National Secretary-General Dr Davji Atellah during a meeting in Eldoret complained that the situation in public health facilities was dire and that the doctors could not remain silent any longer.

Addressing the Press after the meeting that the doctors said was convened to address critical issues that continue to ravage the healthcare system in the counties, the medics lamented over career stagnation saying the last contract they signed was two years ago.

In most government-managed hospitals, they claim to have a shortage of workforce leading to long working hours for doctors.

“All these challenges limit the doctors towards concentrating on their main agenda of saving lives and giving hope to the patients. Every day, memos about shortages circulate, painting a grim picture of our healthcare system,” said Dr. Atellah.

The medics pointed out that during political campaigns, the current leadership of the county government of Uasin Gishu led by Governor Jonathan Bii Chelilim promised better terms and support for healthcare professionals, unfortunately, they said, the promises remain unfulfilled. 

Dr. Atellah added that in the neighbouring Elgeyo Marakwet County, doctors have seen their salaries slashed by a staggering 30 percent. “It’s a grave injustice that the union will not sit back and watch”. Said Atellah.

“Adding to the woes, our dedicated consultants are trapped in despair and desperation, with no hope of promotions in sight. It’s a demoralizing situation that leaves them feeling undervalued and unappreciated,” he added.

“We stand united in our demand for immediate action,” said the Union secretary general while demanding the promotion of doctors without further delay, and an end to what he termed ‘archaic and inefficient employment contracts’.

He added that healthcare was not a matter of political rhetoric, “it’s a matter of life and death for our residents,” and the union refuses to accept empty promises any longer. As a result, we, as doctors issue a 21-day strike notice to Uasin Gishu County government, that we will down our tools in February 2024 unless our grievances are addressed appropriately.

“As a union, we will not sit back and watch our members suffer, we are also demanding comprehensive medical cover because doctors have been remitting monthly contributions in the NHIF scheme,” said Dr. Atellah.

Courtesy; KNA 



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