Uhuru's Jubilee Party kicks out rebels

May 22, 2023 - 14:28
Uhuru's Jubilee Party kicks out rebels

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday came out 'guns blazing' to salvage the Jubilee Party from the hands of percieved rebels.

Kenyatta, the Jubilee Party leader said he had decided to leave the formation in the hands of others and take a political back seat, but he decided against the move after being rattled by those who claim to have taken over the former rulling Party.

Speaking on Monday during the Party's National Delegates Conference (NDC) at the Ngong Race Course in Nairobi, Kenyatta who retired in September, 2022 after handing over to Ruto said he is not somebody to be threatened by anybody.

"Mimi fikira zangu zilikua zimeniambia ya kwamba nilegee kwa siasa na niende nikashughulikie mambo mengine. Na nilikua nafikiria siku ya kuitisha mkutano wa national delegates ingekua ile siku ya kuwaambia nimetimiza yale ambayo nimeweza na sasa ni wakati wa kuchagua viongozi wengine," he said.

This translates to, "My thoughts were that I leave politics and go and deal with other issues. And I thought the day of the NDC would be an opportunity to tell you what I had achieved and leave room for election of new officials."

"Lakini wengine wameamua ya kwamba kazi itakua ya vitisho na kulazimisha, siku ya leo nimewaambia tafuteni mwingine, sio Uhuru wa Kenyatta (But others have decided that heir job is to threaten and force issues. Today I tell you look for another person, not Uhuru Kenyatta)."

The Party has witnessed a fair share of internal wrangles.

Former Kieni MP Kanini Kega is allegedly the Party's acting Secretary General after 'elbowing' out Jeremiah Kioni, while former Murang'a County Women Representative Sabina Chege is the Party's 'interim leader', after 'overthrowing' Kenyatta.

The two and a host of leaders in their camp were however kicked out of the Party during the Monday NDC.

Nelson Dzuya, Former MPs Jimi Angwenyi, Naomi Shabban, Joshua Kutuny, Mutava Musyimi and Rachel Nyamai were also kicked out of Jubilee Party leadership positions.

Saitoti Torome was named the national chairman replacing Dzuya, while Yasin Noor was named the deputy secretary-general replacing Kuttuny, as Jamleck Kamau was declared national director of elections taking over from Kega.

Blogger Pauline Njoroge was named the party’s deputy organizing secretary, while Maison Leshoomo was declared the national chair of the Women’s League.

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