West Pokot residents welcome government plans to refurbish Turkwel state lodge

Jan 19, 2024 - 18:09
West Pokot residents welcome government plans to refurbish Turkwel state lodge
1902 Turkwel Dam located in Endugh Ward of Kapenguria Constituency, West Pokot County. (Photos by Anthony Melly).


Friday, January 19, 2024

KNA by Anthony Melly

The government’s intent to refurbish the deserted Turkwel State Lodge in Riting village, located in Endugh Ward of Kapenguria constituency, West Pokot county, has brought joy to the residents.

The residents say the initiative will contribute significantly to the region’s overall development and progress.

According to local accounts, residents have expressed their constant fear of falling victim to livestock rustlers, who have been active in the region with some individuals forced to abandon their homes in search of safety.

 However, with the planned refurbishment of the local State Lodge, there is a widespread belief that it would greatly boost security measures and alleviate the worries of the community.

 West Pokot County Commissioner (CC), Apollo Okello, stated that the County is privileged to have the State Lodge constructed within its boundaries.

He said it is anticipated that once operational, the National Government will assist in enhancing the infrastructure and other social amenities of the two neighbouring schools, that are in close proximity to the State Lodge.

 The CC noted the State Lodge refurbishment initiative is unique to the County and holds immense significance in driving the economic growth of the region.

He said that he has authorized the government to proceed with the development of a state lodge at the Turkwel Gorge, following a successful public participation, as mandated by the Constitution, with the residents of Riting village, who reside next to the proposed State Lodge facility having given it a nod.

Okelo mentioned that the commencement of refurbishment will take place within the upcoming weeks, and they expect the completion of the project within the next six months, after which it will be effectively utilized.

He said as a Chairman of the Security Committee in the County, he gives the assurance that the area is safe and security apparatus have been mobilized, to ensure the construction work continues uninterrupted.

‘‘The contractor is going to work in a very safe environment and we anticipate that even when the facility start operation, it will be safe, and there should be worry as far as security is concern,’’ Okello said.

 He called upon the local leaders at both County and National levels, particularly the elected officials led by the Governor, as well as other leaders, to rally behind the project.

 Okello emphasized the importance of effective collaboration among all parties involved in the development of a State Lodge, to ensure timely completion of the project within the designated six-month timeframe.

Kerio Valley Development Authority Director of Planning, David Onyango, thanked the people of Riting village, who have supported the project that was proposed by the National Government from the Office of the President.

He emphasized the significance of constructing the State Lodge, highlighting that when Turkwel Gorge was initially developed, it was intended to be a multi-purpose project.

 However, only the Dam was built at the time, which is currently storing water being utilized by the KenGen Company for power generation.

 Onyango stated that the lower part of Turkwel Dam will serve as both an irrigation scheme and a center of attraction for tourists, contributing to the creation of wealth.

  He said KVDA is now mobilizing funds to develop the irrigation infrastructure downstream of the Turkwel Dam for crop production, that will address issues of food insecurity in the region, as well create employment to the residents, who will be employed to work in the irrigation scheme.

 ‘‘The community have agreed that project will bring more benefit to them and they have agreed even with the local leaders,’’ Onyango said.

 He said one of the reasons why KVDA takes pride in the project, was due to a lot of benefits it brings to the community residing in the Turkwel area.

He further stated that the project would result in equipping of schools that already exist, with the intention of enhancing and attracting students from across the country.

  ‘‘It is going to be a lot business that will come along with this kind of development,’’ he highlighted.

  He mentioned that KVDA plans to create opportunities for new Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), enabling nearly 50 youths, to secure meaningful employment through the establishment of an irrigation scheme.

Onyango stated that both men and women will have the capacity to operate their businesses, thereby increasing the prosperity of the population and improving their current living conditions.

‘‘The area once developed will bring a lot of visitors to the area simply because the state Lodge is there, we are going to see a lot of people coming in, we are going to see a lot of money exchanging hands, we are going to see children going to school and more security in the area that will be able to address the current situation that we are having,’’ he said.

He expressed his gratitude to all the families residing in the Riting area, as well as the leaders, the County government, and the National Government, particularly through the region’s County Commissioner, for their invaluable support in projects that KVDA had envisioned for the region.

  ‘‘KVDA remains great support of the construction of a State Lodge for it will benefit residents greatly,’’ he stressed.

 Ms. Esther Chelimo, the West Pokot County Executive Committee Member for Lands, Housing, and Urban Development, stated that extensive public participation has been conducted. 

 The residents of Riting village have been duly informed that they will soon have a new neighbour and that a State Lodge will be built, serving as a residence for the President, who will become their esteemed neighbour.

Chelimo expressed that the Pokot community is delighted as the construction of a State Lodge for the President will bring numerous advantages to them.

According to her, the people of Riting area are of the opinion that they will continue doing their businesses, even after the State Lodge is built for, they emphasize that they obtain various necessities from the shopping center.

‘‘Residents have requested their market, which normally operates during Saturdays, be transferred to the upper parts of Riting village, because it nears the State Lodge,’’ Chelimo said.

Benson Kibet, a representative of the area Member of Parliament, expressed gratitude to the President for wise decision to restore the State Lodge, which was originally built by the late President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi and had been neglected for a long time.

 ‘‘I thank the local people for having thought of reserving the land at Turkwel Gorge for the construction of a State Lodge,’’ Kibet said.

 Additionally, he expressed gratitude towards the security personnel for their diligent work in enhancing security measures within the Riting village and Turkwel area.

He made a request to the contractor, urging them to expedite the progress of the project and the importance of them fulfilling their Social Corporate Responsibility, by constructing a school in the area of the Turkwel gorge.

 He mentioned that the community is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the president to Riting, as they believe it will bring about a transformation in the status and welfare of the residents residing in the Turkwel area.

  ‘‘I thank the President for chooing the border point of the region because the place is one of the places that have been experiencing border insecurity,’’ he said.

 Kibet encouraged the leaders to continue advocating for the development that the Head of State had promised to the people of the Pokot community.

 Bishop Peter Siwa from Agape Church in Riting, emphasized that establishment of a State Lodge in Riting village, will bring about significant socio-economic changes and completely revamp the region, encompassing the construction of educational institutions and various other essential community facilities.

 Peter Kibet, a youth residing in Riting, expressed his belief that the project would significantly improve the economic situation of the residents and bring about a substantial transformation in many livelihoods.

 Kibet remains optimistic that the educated youth in the area will be given priority for employment opportunities, when the State Lodge is being constructed.

 Pauline Joram, another resident, said that the arrival of the presidency in the Riting area would lead to the creation of job opportunities for the unemployed youth.

 Additionally, she highlighted that their children would receive education, contributing to the overall economic development in the region.

‘‘We the people of Riting we have never had electricity and I believe when the President will step in here, we will get electricity, to enable us do our businesses, I believe that our schools will be constructed,’’ she said.

Joram added that when the President becomes their neighbour, the community will have a chance to be assisted.

More than a week ago, Dr. Raymond Omollo, the Interior Principal Secretary (PS) revealed the government’s intentions to renovate the Turkwel State Lodge.

 The Turkwel State Lodge was primarily utilized for accommodating the Head of State. However, it was left deserted for several years, as a result of the prevalent cattle rustling activities that plagued the region.

Courtesy; KNA 

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