Youth cautioned on drug abuse, betting

Jan 10, 2024 - 12:10
Youth cautioned on drug abuse, betting
Ants Dancers showing their dancing skills


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

KNA by David Wandeto 

Mental health has been a big challenge among many people especially the younger generation, leading to drug abuse with some youth committing suicide.

Kirinyaga County Speaker Muteti Murimi has called on youth to be cautious to prevent mental health problems.

 "I urge the Youth to live a responsible. Despite the challenges you may face, nothing is permanent in life. When a challenge faces you, have a positive mentality. Don't be shy about sharing with a friend, but don't get tempted to run into drugs. Always be sober," he urged the youth.

He advised youths, especially those in informal jobs, like Boda Boda business, farming, and personal business not to be overturned by day-to-day challenges, saying youth play the biggest part in the economic growth of the country.

 "Were it not for our soberness, no one could be here today. Please learn from us and be sober. The Kirinyaga County Government has been supporting you and will continue to support any youth agenda that comes to the floor of the assembly," he said  

The Speaker was speaking in Talanta search at Tebere Secondary School, Gathingiriri Ward, Mwea Constituency, Kirinyaga County, in an event that was organized by the area member of the county assembly, Bension Ngahu.

The area member of the county assembly, Bension Ngahu, who had organized the event, said the main aim of the occasion was to sensitize youth about mental health and make them understand the need to be watchful when it comes to mental health. He said the" Jivunie Talanta" program will continue in the ward and has been able to build up more talents among the different players.

Nominated MCA, Milka Muthoni said lack of employment to be one of the major causes of mental health thus cautioning youth to enroll in technical courses, citing a high demand in the labor market.

 "We have employment challenges as a country but if we embrace technical courses we will be selfemployed," she said.

Courtesy; KNA 

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