Chaos as supporters of Orengo and his deputy clash at a funeral

May 15, 2023 - 07:42
Chaos as supporters of Orengo and his deputy clash at a funeral
Supporters of Governor orengo and his Deputy clash during funeral in Siaya

Siaya, Sunday May 14, 2023

KNA by Philip Onyango

A funeral ceremony of the late Siaya county public service board chairman was Saturday turned into a battle ground when supporters of area governor, James Orengo and his estranged deputy clashed. 

Mourners who had converged at the home of the late Elijah Ochieng Achoch at Wadh Bar in the outskirts of Siaya town were forced to run helter skelter, as security men threw a ring round the governor and his deputy, William Oduol when youths engaged each other using clubs, chairs and other “missiles”. 

Trouble started when Anglican bishop of Maseno West, right reverend John Mark Haung Godia invited deputy governor, William Oduol to address the mourners and pass his condolences, immediately after Alego / Usonga MP, Samuel Atandi had spoken. 

As Oduol was recognizing the dignitaries present, among them his boss, a section of the crowd started murmuring and booing him. 

Within a twinkle of an eye, a man dashed from the crowd and hit the microphone from Oduol, causing a skirmish. 

Hell broke loose as youths supporting both sides moved in while armed with crude weapons. 

Pleas by bishop Godia for calm landed on deaf ears as the combatants tried to outdo each other. 

As a temporary calm prevailed, the bishop tried to give chance to the other leaders to speak but in vain and at one time, the public address system was switched off. 

This forced bishop Godia to cut short the programme and proceed with the burial, as the deputy governor hurriedly left the venue. 

“Because we have refused to behave like civilized people, I will proceed to bury the remains of Dr. Achoch,” said Rt. Rev Godia.

Orengo and MP, Atandi later left the venue in a convoy and headed towards Siaya town. 

 Addressing the press later, Oduol condemned the incident and apologized to the late Achoch’s family. 

Oduol and his boss have been at logger heads after falling out three months ago over alleged mismanagement of the county.

The bad blood between the two has seen Oduol complain of being locked out of the county cabinet meetings and has also been summoned by the county assembly to shed light on his allegations against his boss. 

Last week, three residents moved to court and filed a petition seeking to declare governor Orengo unfit to hold a public office for allegedly infringing on the constitutional rights of his deputy. 

The trio, Peter Odhiambo, Eric Onyango and Elizabeth Akinyi said that as things stand in Siaya, the constitution was being violated grossly. 

Courtesy; K.N.A

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