Hundreds throng Mt Kenya annual pilgrimage

Dec 27, 2023 - 18:02
Hundreds throng Mt Kenya annual pilgrimage
Prayers taking part in 2023 prayers at Samson corner Kirinyaga county


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

KNA by David Wandeto 

This year's Mt Kenya annual cultural prayer pilgrimage led by elders from the Agikuyu community at Samson Corner in Kirinyaga County drew hundreds of participants from various parts of the country.

Congregating in nine different locations around the mountain, the pilgrims prayed facing towards Mount Kenya under the direction of organizer Ruth Engesen and Kikuyu elder Samuel Kamitha from the Gikuyu Cultural Center with each pilgrim observing their own unique way of expressing gratitude to God.

Engesen stated that they were praying for national peace and added that peaceful coexistence and successful commercial dealings were results of stability.

“There is a need for people to embrace cultural prayers and join hands to fight many vices, such as alcoholism and lifestyle diseases, that are affecting many in the region,” she stated.

She pointed out that because of the political unrest and tensions that were ripping the nation apart the previous year, they had prayed for the country, but now they were grateful that it was stable.

 “If we go back to our God, we will have a nation full of God's blessings and a united nation, and the few disagreements we have, we will solve internally,” she stated.

She denounced the Shakahola religious movement as well, claiming that it resulted from sects with malign purposes teaching their adherents incorrect doctrines.

She further said that it the citizens’ responsibility to be our brothers' keepers and to ensure that those who are not following the correct path are led in the proper direction.

John Kimani Kikuyu, an elder who turned up for the prayers, said that he has attended the prayers for the last three years and that he has seen positive impacts on his life since he started attending the annual pilgrimage.

“We have come here as Kenyans, but not as tribes; let us all unite as Kenyans and realize ourselves. Coming to pray facing Mt. Kenya is a simple part of our culture; other cultures have the ability to communicate with God; let me be close to our God," he said.

Ng'ang'a Gitau condemned Pope Francis on his remarks on LGBTQ and called on Kenyans to go back to their roots, do what their culture prescribes, and avoid Western culture, which they do not associate with.

 “As Africans, it's taboo for people of the same gender to start a family. Instead of such evil Western culture, let's embrace polygamy instead of such cultural practises,” he said.

Samuel Kamitha, the leader of the group, said there are groups of people pretending to be leaders and elders of the Agikuyu community and conning people and taking their properties. He told Kenyans to be wary of such people.

  Each year, the pilgrims donning blue ribbons that signify peace make the annual trip around the mountain in an anticlockwise direction and hold prayers with their hands raised while facing the mountain.

Courtesy; KNA 


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