Kenya Kwanza leaders fault court ruling on Finance Bill, 2023

Jul 3, 2023 - 11:45
Kenya Kwanza leaders fault court ruling on Finance Bill, 2023
Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro (right) and Water CS Alice Wahome attending a thanksgiving event in a Murang’a church on Sunday July 2, 2023.

Murang’a, Monday July 3, 2023

KNA by Bernard Munyao

A section of leaders allied to Kenya Kwanza coalition have faulted the court for suspending implementation of the recently assented Finance Bill, 2023.

Led by Water Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome, they argued that the court failed to consider the views of the majority as represented by members of parliament, but reacted to a petition of a single litigant.

Speaking in a Murang’a church during a thanksgiving ceremony for Charles Karundo, an official in Ministry of Interior and National Administration, the leaders said halting implementation of the bill, will frustrate government’s commitment in realizing programmes listed in the 2023/2024 financial budget.

Wahome said the executive led by the President needed support by other Arms of the Government so as to implement projects meant to make the lives of Kenyans better.

The CS noted that suspending the bill means that the government will do less in terms of development, since its main source of funds is taxes.

“What can the government do without funds? Taxes proposed in the finance bill are aimed at making the lives of Kenyans better and the government is committed to ensuring the country’s economy is revived,” she added.

Wahome accused the opposition for trying to use all means to frustrate operations of the government, adding that they will move to court to ensure implementation of the bill is given a lee way.

The High Court Friday suspended temporarily implementation of Finance Bill, 2023 following a petition tabled by the Busia senator Okiya Omtatah.

“There are many projects especially in my ministry which are aimed at increasing water coverage in the country, but without funding, the projects cannot be implemented,” observed Wahome.

On his part, Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro said implementation of the Sh.3.69 trillion budget depends on the finance bill saying as much as they respect the independence of the judiciary, they have the right to appeal the court’s ruling on the bill.

“The government will appeal the court’s ruling so as to have the bill be implemented so that it sources for funds to actualize programmes factored in the budget,” he noted.

Nyoro added that some of the programmes in the budget are meant to uplift livelihoods of the common Mwananchi, while accusing opposition leaders of engaging in desperate ways with a view to frustrating government operations.

Other MPs present included Joseph Munyoro (Kigumo), Gitonga Mukunji (Manyatta), John Njuguna (Kiambaa), John Kaguchia (Mukurweini) and the Kiambu senator Karungo Thang’wa.

They vowed to use legal means to have the bill implemented saying Kenyans were expecting the government to stabilize prices of the common commodities and in effect lower cost of living.

The leaders further dismissed a move by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) seeking to increase salaries for state officers and elected leaders.

“In the budget, we did not factor money to increase salaries for the president, his deputy and the elected leaders. However, we fully support the proposal to increase salaries for teachers, police, military and other civil servants,” said Munyoro.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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