Lazy administrative chiefs put on notice

Dec 14, 2023 - 11:55
Lazy administrative chiefs put on notice
Nyamira County Commissioner, Onesmas Kyatha talking to residents at Ekerenyo in Nyamira North Sub County


Thursday, December 14, 2023

KNA by Deborah Bochere

Nyamira County commissioner, Onesmas Kyatha has put lazy administrative chiefs and assistant chiefs who are not willing to fight illicit brews on notice that they risk losing their jobs.

The County commissioner issued the warning during the Jamhuri day celebration at Ekerenyo grounds noting that there have been numerous complaints from members of the public about notorious illicit brewers who continue to enrich themselves with illicit brew business at the expense of our young generation.

 “Illicit brew in Nyamira North Sub County has become a serious social and security concern to our residents who are worried that their young generation will all be wiped out leaving no one to depend on or anything to be proud of shortly. The trend of numerous drunken youths staggering on the roads from early in the morning to late into the night has left many parents worried because these same youths will do all it takes including stealing to get some money, they are not willing to work for and use to purchase drugs.” The commissioner stated. 

“Residents have hinted that these brewers are very well known by local administrators who are reluctant to arrest them, an indication that they are benefiting from these illegal businesses, the reason why I have issued a sack notice for any chief who will not take any action to illicit brewers in his area of jurisdiction,” Commissioner Kyatha warned. 

He said that national government administrative officers are paid to ensure that illicit brew and any other security matter is contained in our country therefore no excuse whatsoever why notorious criminals who have been positively identified by residents should not be arrested and charged in court. 

“I have a list of criminals and brewers and if I will come to arrest them, it will not be business as usual for area administrators. If you are tired with work, resign honorably and so that we can immediately replace you with other well-learned and ready-to-work jobless residents in our County. We cannot endlessly talk about illicit brew in the 21st century because it greatly hinders any development and prosperous future, especially for our young generation,” Kyatha cautioned. 

He emphasized that other than illicit brew there are other security concerns in Nyamira County like theft of coffee berries from cooperatives societies, using faulty weighing machines at tea buying centers, and burglary in business premises which we must take off so other their efforts will not be in vain and profits lost to undeserving criminals. 

He urged all government administrators to maintain integrity and trust at the workplace and ensure the trust from people by the government to provide them with security services is gained.

Courtesy; KNA 

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