WHO donates assorted medical supplies for emergency response

Dec 14, 2023 - 12:43
WHO donates assorted medical supplies for emergency response
WHO Risk Communication officer Ibrahim Gedi (R) handing over medical supplies to the Garissa county director for health Aden Hussein (L). Gedi said that the supplies are part of the organization’s goal to build emergency preparedness response in counties.


Thursday, December 14, 2023

KNA by Erick Kyalo

The World Health Organization has donated essential medical supplies and equipment to the Garissa County health department to strengthen its capacity to handle the emergencies brought about by the El Nino rains which caused flooding in the area.

Speaking during the handing over of the supplies at the Northeastern regional offices, WHO’s risk communication officer Ibrahim Gedi said that the supplies are part of the organization’s goal to build emergency preparedness response in counties.

 “The WHO has been supporting the counties on public health emergencies for preparedness and response. Today, we are donating assorted medical items and other commodities worth Sh 10 million for the Garissa County health department,” Gedi said.

“Initially, we had trained the health workers on surveillance, case management, and risk communication for laboratories for any public health emergencies and we will continue to do so and build their capacities,” he added.

Gedi further said that the WHO has already constructed a stabilization center at the Garissa Referral Hospital for malnutrition cases as a result of the ongoing El Niño rains and other emergencies. 

While acknowledging the receipt of the supplies, county director for health Aden Hussein expressed his gratitude for the support from the WHO and other development partners which has been crucial in dealing with emergencies.

“We acknowledge the receipt of the essential medical supplies and related equipment from the WHO in support of the Kenya Red Cross who are helping in transportation and these supplies will go a long way in helping the emergency response during the floods,” Hussein said.

  “We are anticipating to have disease outbreak because of the floods and thus a need to reposition all necessary medical supplies and related logistics to our health facilities across the county. If by grace there is no outbreak, then we will use these supplies for routine services to strengthen our service delivery,” he added.

Courtesy; KNA 



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