AMENYA: President Ruto is the antidote to Kenya’s problems

Apr 20, 2023 - 13:50
Apr 20, 2023 - 19:44
AMENYA: President Ruto is the antidote to Kenya’s problems

By Alberto Nyakundi Amenya,

The resilience and determination of Dr. William Ruto to contest in the election for presidency of the republic of Kenya is a glad tiding to all Kenyans, his foes and admirers alike.

Ruto’s election in 2022 brought closure to the hopelessness and despondency in Kenya and renewed our hope as the current ugly situation in Kenya is unsustainable. We have gotten it right this time around and secured the future of our children. President Uhuru and years of the Handshake administration were a waste. Dr Ruto has been given clean bills of health and character by the clergymen, imams, atheists, world leaders and the plebeians. 

Ruto’s antecedents clearly attest to his disciplined mind. A country that swims in corruption, deceit, incompetence and insecurity cannot expect a prosperous nation. Anything that is contrary to accountability is an exercise in futility.

We need to strongly empathize with Raila’s supporters who are ignorantly corded with the status quo; the narrow-minded individuals with no inclusive attitude to other people’s opinions.

The ethnic bigotry that pervades every warped mind in Kenya is a reminder of our repetitious history. President Ruto surely belongs to the past of incorruptible leaders.

He has nothing to offer his character assailants; the ethnic and religious bigots, and the sociopath leaders in Kenya.

But he is obviously coming to clean the system and bring back our lost glory, restore discipline and ensure egalitarian society for the next generation.

Kenyan corrupt leaders with skeletons in their closets including his corrupt party members will be made a deterrent to others with the mind-set of raping the wealth of Kenya.

With Dr. Ruto in charge, Kenya is on a new path to greatness. Our road may be rough and tough, to clean the Augean of corruption and age-long-messy-house requires slow, steady and sustained vision and mission.

There’s a light at the end of our dark tunnel. Most Kenyans are quick at eating their cake and still want to have it. The opposition should be told point-blank that, Kenyans are wiser, having been hoodwinked in the past by sociopath leaders and their coteries.

They have dined and wined with these gluttonous ghouls in Kenyan politics. They have covertly and overtly embellished stupendous illegal wealth of the political-evil-geniuses in Kenyan polity.

As a bona fide citizen of Kenya, this writer and other well-meaning Kenyans owe it as a national responsibility to conscientise our leaders and educate ourselves with sincerity of purpose to put the country back in the right tracks.

All is not well with Kenya. The failures of Kenyan leadership and corruption are the hydra-headed mantras destroying the country’s future and its people.

And it seems the immediate solution in sight is incorruptible individual with patriotic zeal to see a new Kenya. The collective woes of the nation are embedded in the national cake where everyone is now selfishly struggling and aspiring to eke from its icing.

The absence of collective shame of leadership and the twisted minds of its citizenry are painfully a concern for national interest.

The ugly events of the past years are strong indications that Kenya needs surgical operations through a credible leader.

The psychology of Kenya are pitiably bruised and corded, the rewiring of the warped psychology of these Kenyans is dangerous to national cohesion, unity, progress and development.

No nation thrives under the present state of anomie where corruption, deceit, absurdity and celebration of mediocrity hold sway.

When the head of a fish is rotten, other parts will be unfit for human consumption. When a leader of a country deliberately failed either by commission or omission to clearly differentiate corruption from stealing, or stealing of national wealth from corruption as both are intertwined, then our deep dream to that state of utopia is rough.

Most of the un-presidential body language and unguarded statements of Uhuru Kenyatta on issues of national interest was a big embarrassment to the nation.

As commander-in-chief of the armed forces and a nation’s chief security officer, security of life and property, and national cohesion should’ve be his priority not a mundane and crass political opportunism.

Integrity and honor are not common; deceit and opportunism are easily accessible. A few people of integrity can go a long way. People like Raila are disappointed by not being appointed into Presidency by the people of Kenya.

On the other hand, Dr. Ruto is a Principled man. In terms of thought process, he is ahead of his likes. He understands their grandstanding and body language.

As they say, wisdom is knowing the right path to take but integrity is taking it. he is a man who understands his stealthy political moves. 

Edward Kennedy said integrity is the lifeblood of democracy but deceit is a poison in its veins. President Ruto is a man of integrity and he unpretentiously stands by it with principle. 

Henceforth, the suspecting masses of Kenya are arming with this admonition from Noam Chomsky who says:

All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume”.

The opposition in our political firmament, should know that their overtures and political gymnastics are obviously unfit for our moral consumption.

Kenyans should maintain their eagle-eyes to discern the political opportunists among them. Kenya is a nation peopled by ingenuity and resources.

Kenyans should shun complacency. We should annex our God-given potentials to our own advantage; not to the advantage of those who prostitute our collective minds at every slight opportunity.

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