Why Africa Will Never Rise in a Century

Africa is a struggling continent without properly coined, articulated, thought out, planned and implemented aims and objectives for long-term prosperity is an obvious one.

Mar 24, 2023 - 21:09
Why Africa Will Never  Rise in a Century
Elephants in a field in Africa

By Querinus Oluoch

For those people who are blessed with proactive and clear common sense and the ability to think coherently, the conclusion that Africa is a struggling continent without properly coined, articulated, thought out, planned and implemented aims and objectives for long-term prosperity is an obvious one. 

The observation above is as plain as the general direction of our star, the Sun! It is not rocket science.

But to convince many of the Africans who are often myopic from wrong and cheap analysis, excitable with compulsive gullibility, clouded by the inertia of exaggerated achievements and consumed in the deja vu of great and unrivalled opulence, the matter needs further meticulous but merciless dissection.

To understand this sorry and sad state of affairs in a continent which should have learnt the hard way , and put it into proper perspective, there is only one institution that one needs to scrutinize and understand: The Institutions of Higher learning or Universities in African countries.

Of course it is not lost in my mind and memory that the very first University in the world was inaugurated in Africa's Morocco to help thaw human curiosity about the Universe, hence the origins of the name/term 'University'.

I happen to work in one of the Public Universities in this part of Africa. My country in considered,in comparative terms to be a beacon of democracy,thriving economy and good governance in the continent For those reasons I should be happy ,calm and thankful.I should count my luck instead of complaining.

But I cannot be.I have a lot of reservations about the manner in which the countries are managed and ruled, and how those Institutions which have always been touted as the epitome of leadership excellence and the ultimate destinations of every individual who wishes to be counted as educated and therefore academically,socially and intellectually productive.

Universities have become the new frontiers of corruption, nepotism, laziness, negative competition, selfishness and expression of every other vice that Africans are identified with and known for.

The black African is indeed the seat of foolishness, confusion and mental and moral decadence.

These negative attributes are readily exemplified in our Universities.

Isn't it a paradox to imagine that the Institutions which are saturated by the very men and women of the book,who will, in many instances spare no opportunity to remind everyone around them that they are well educated ,that they attended the prestigious Makerere University,The University of Nairobi,The great Universities of North Africa,West Africa and South Africa can sink so deeply into ineptitude which has naturally turned into their academic and social culture and the defining norms and standards?

If Africa was not cursed,then it was bewitched by the topmost Witch.

In most if not all of Africa's Universities,my motherland,Kenya included,the goings on in those institutions can only fulfill the goals, aspirations and desires of individuals who are irredeemably shallow minded and scant in deep character,the same fellows who are often excited by ordinary,common place attainments without much care about the future of their children and other citizens.

We are a lost and  confused people consumed by idiocy and engulfed in the wonderland of blind mediocrity.We have no chance of escape from the grip of this monstrous quagmire ,because of our tendency to move in circles.

We endlessly attempt to re-invent the wheel.

How does it happen that the Professors in African institutions of higher learning fight over promotions,financial allocations and appointments to senior managerial positions without an iota of shame and in the process abandon their core mandate of research and mentorship?

Who bewitched the educated class to be so pretty petty ,egocentric and to think that the only purpose of acquiring education is to secure a job,get promotion and live in opulence?

In most of these Universities,negative ethnicity is the order of the day.

Skewed promotions,work distribution and appointments are everyday occurrences, and nobody talks about these ills in condemnation. 

Every employee only longs for his/her opportunity;a chance to be favoured with an influential position, promotion, less work and greater pay without caring much about the others.

Mockery and disrespect of those who are regarded as inferior in academics or belonging to tribes which are regarded as second class is at the very centre of the culture of these institutions.

Are we really serious?Do we really have the same mental capacity as the other races of Homo sapiens or could we be pretenders to the high taxonomic pedestal? Are we fake Homo sapiens?

Tell me any country in this world, if not an African one where inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic feuds and favouritism define resource allocation, political voting patterns, job allocations and ascendancy to positions of high civil service?

Just mention to me one African nation which has been able to truly overcome the three enemies of development which our founding Fathers identified at independence 60 years ago; consisting of Ignorance, Disease and Poverty.

Isn't it painful and regrettable to imagine that ignorance persists in Africa in the midst of education and the bragging that comes with attainment of such education?

Ooh Professor Everett Standa,ask them one more time,"Will you hear me?".Ooh Professor PLO Lumumba,what a waste of energy and precious time,to talk so eloquently and passionately so,about unblemished issues which should be so obvious to every black person,but still be misunderstood as the masses of Africa coddle their fragile egos in ways of permanent ignorance!

To you Professor Wasamba and my good  friend Herman Manyora, I implore you to keep the fire burning and remain resolute in your acts and utterances.

The painful truth must endure to the very end. Just as they ignored Jesus,so they shall ignore your words of wisdom,but the truth must not be defiled by cheap convenience of belonging.

Remain firm! Tell them the unpalatable facts until their anger boils to the high heavens and the bottom of the Seas!

To whose benefit is the poor and toddler-like management of Universities in Africa conducted?

Who derives pleasure and satisfaction when Kenyan Public Universities stutter under lacklustre leadership and management by individuals who incessantly profess high academic faith but are extremely wanting in the basic skills of leadership?

It is in Africa where PHD holders rise to become presidents to bury the elusive dreams and the hopeless hope that the gullible citizens of the nations still hang onto, by working overtime and restlessly so while spewing juvenile,half digested and poorly thought out executive orders disguised as "statements of freedom".

Africa will not rise in a decade.

Africa will remain in Socio-Economic-Political limbo in the coming century until we change our mindset. 

Africa shall continue to struggle in the charade of sham development until it realizes that treachery, corruption, misplaced Education, Laziness,nepotism and related practices, selfishness, Exclusivity and personal convenience are the Donts that developed nations loath and frown upon.We cannot therefore embrace these very enemies of progress and expect to prosper.

We are a sick continent made up of confused, emaciated and drunk nations and minds.

We have lost it almost completely.

Sadly, our conscience is not bothered. We are as dead as a Dodo!

Dr Querinus Oluoch Olumo is a Medical Doctor, Socio-Political Analyst and a Writer/Poet.

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