Bureti National Polytechnic embraces CBET-based training

Oct 20, 2023 - 12:17
Bureti National Polytechnic embraces CBET-based training
A section of 660 graduands of Bureti National polytechnic who pursued studies in Agriculture, Building technology, carpentry, plumbing, masonry, business, artisan, electrical engineering, ICT, Information Studies, Social work, Automotive Engineering, Mechanical engineering and Welding and Fabrication during their graduation ceremony held on Thursday at the institutions grounds awaiting to be awarded certificates in diploma and higher diploma levels. (Photo and captions by Sarah Njagi).


Friday, October 20, 2023

KNA by Sarah Njagi

 The Bureti National Polytechnic has become among the pioneer Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) institutions to embrace the Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) curriculum enabling trainees to acquire practical skills that are relevant to the job market.

The institution which is situated in Bureti sub-county within Kericho County embarked on the progressive training model targeting to impart learners with both knowledge and skills across all courses offered.

Speaking during the first graduation ceremony held at the institution's grounds on Thursday, deputy director in charge of policy at TVET Directorate Mr. Frank Mukuna commended the learning institution for embracing the CBET curriculum enhancing the quality of its training as well as increasing the employability of the graduates.

“I am impressed that Bureti National Polytechnic has embraced CBET courses,” said Mukuna.

Mr. Mukura who represented TVET Principal Secretary Dr. Esther Moria said the government was committed to support TVETs as they remained the chief enabler of the attainment of Vision 2030 and the sustainable development goals.

“We understand Kenya Vision 2030 emphasizes or aims at making Kenya into a middle-income industrialized country with quality of life to every citizen.

When we look at Session paper number 5 it talks about putting that particular weight on TVET. With an enhanced TVET system we will be able to churn in the required skilled manpower that this economy is in need of to move it to the next level in realizing that this is why we are moving away from time-bound kind of training to hands-on training.” said Mukura.

He noted that CBET was advantageous as it seeks to develop competencies such as critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and digital literacy to Kenyan learners rather than memorizing facts and figures and thus preparing them for the changing demands of the global economy and society.

The deputy director revealed that the government’s affordable housing agenda was a timely opportunity for TVET institutions to partner with the building and construction sectors to strengthen links and expand job opportunities for the learners equipped with relevant skills and competencies from their respective disciplines.

“Currently the state department for TVET is partnering with the government for the construction of affordable housing units, county industrial parks, and road construction.

These projects are doubling up as training grounds for our students and also our institutions are faced with an opportunity to supply other products to those particular projects.   

We are going to supply labor from our TVET institutions. As you are being trained you will be paid for the road construction projects going around that particular institution. We have been able to equip TVET institutions with the assistance of the government with state-of-the-art equipment so that we can be able to produce the requisite raw materials that will be required in those construction projects that are going on.” said Mukuna.

In the same breath majority leader of the senate Aaron Cheruiyot reiterated the government was actively engaging TVET-trained youths in the implementation of the Bottom-Up Economic Transformative Agenda (BETA) in the areas of affordable housing, agriculture, digital creativity economy, and SMEs.

Kericho governor Dr. Eric Mutai said the county government was this year embarking on an ambitious program to sponsor 3,000 students in the county who will benefit from Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Teacher Training College (TTC) scholarships as the county was facing a skilled labor shortage of blue color professionals.

Bureti National Polytechnic Senior Principal Sammy Cheruiyot said CBET-based training was designed to equip trainees with both theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that instill critical thinking, creative problem solving and adaptation to the dynamic demands of the global economy.

“Bureti National Polytechnic has fostered an environment where innovation and entrepreneurship were nurtured, allowing learners to become agents of change to positive impact on society.

On the implementation of CBET courses across all disciplines, this progressive approach to education has brought about a paradigm shift in learning enabling our learners to acquire practical skills that are directly applicable in the real world.

“By embracing CBET our institution has ensured we graduate as competent professionals, ready to contribute meaningfully to their respective fields,” noted Cheruiyot.

A total of 660 graduands pursuing studies in Agriculture, building technology, carpentry, plumbing, masonry, business, artisan, electrical engineering, ICT, Information Studies, Social work, Automotive Engineering, Mechanical engineering and Welding and Fabrication were awarded certificates in diploma and higher diploma levels.

Courtesy; KNA


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