Busia receives 222,000 bags of fertilizer

Jul 29, 2023 - 20:56
Busia receives 222,000 bags of fertilizer
Cleophas Malala, Kello Harsama, Governor Paul Otwoma among other leaders inspect a truck of fertilizer subsidy in busia.


Saturday, July 29, 2023

KNA by Salome Alwanda

The government through the Ministry of Agriculture has given 222,000 bags of subsidized farmers to be used by farmers in Busia County during this second planting season.

Speaking during the launch of the fertilizer distribution at Amukura in Teso South Sub County on Friday, UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala said that the price of the commodity has been reduced further from Sh3, 500 per 50 kg bag to Sh2, 500.

“When the president was being sworn in last year, fertilizer was sold at Sh7,000 but it was later reduced to Sh3, 500,” he said adding that it has now been reduced further to Sh2,500.

Malala added that the President directed that the fertilizer be given to counties which have two planting seasons.

"We have 30 counties which experience short rains countrywide,” he said, adding that priority was given to counties within Western Kenya.

He further stated that farmers will get the fertilizers from stores within each Sub County instead of travelling long distances to the National Cereals and Produce Board.

“Next season, the President has said that he will ensure that Kenya seed also reduces prices of certified seeds,” he said, adding that the government will also provide lime so that farmers can use it to neutralize the acidic soil in the area.

The official warned cartels against repackaging the subsidized fertilizer with the aim of selling it to unsuspecting farmers at a higher price.

“All farmers must be registered by Assistant chiefs and the subsidized fertilizer will be sold to farmers depending on the number of acreage,’ he said.

The Principal Secretary in the State Department of Crops Kello Harsama said that distribution of fertilizer will start from counties within Western Kenya.

Harsama noted that farmers in the region received the fertilizer late during the last planting season hence impacting negatively on their harvest.

“The President has also directed that the commodity will be distributed from various stores created by the local leadership in collaboration with the Cereal Board.

Busia Governor Paul Otuoma said that his government will work closely with the National Government to deploy 10 more Agricultural extension officers to assist farmers.

Otuoma added that the county had ordered for over 42,000 metric tons of cotton to be given to farmers for planting.

“That is why we have advised farmers to form Cooperatives consisting of 1,000 per ward so that we can give them farm inputs and monitor their productivity,” he said.

Busia County Commissioner Kipchumba Ruto said that Busia has a very high Agricultural potential that only needs farm inputs to be food secure.

Ruto added that around 113,000 farmers have been registered through the assistance of chiefs and assistant chiefs in less than 10 days that was organized by the National government in preparation for subsidized fertilizer last year.

Teso South MP Mary Emase reiterated that farmers will not have to travel long distances to get the subsidized fertilizer.

Emase also urged the government to establish depots in every Sub County where farmers can purchase subsidized certified seeds for planting.

Last season, Busia received 23,000 bags of fertilizer and sold 12,140 bags adding that around 10,925 are still in the stores.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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