Chamber of Commerce to take part in wooing investors

May 4, 2023 - 17:14
Chamber of Commerce to take part in wooing investors
Newly elected Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI)leaders in Kirinyaga County.

Kerugoya, Thursday, May 4, 2023\

KNA by Mutai Kipngetich

The newly elected Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) leaders in Kirinyaga County have pledged to partner with the County government in wooing investors to set up in the upcoming Sagana Industrial Park.

Kirinyaga KNCCI chapter leaders say the investors will be resourceful in taping into the vast array of agricultural produce locally cultivated in the county, a situation which will in turn enable farmers reap value for their sweat.

Led by the newly elected chairperson Pauline Wangechi, the team noted that the mega industrial park will not only help market locally available goods, but will also help promote value addition for the locally grown crops and goods.

She further added that the facility will also aid in the social-economic transformation of the residents besides converting Kirinyaga into one of the mega economic industrial hubs.

“We are solidly behind the establishment of the industrial park in Sagana because it’s going to be a game changer in the economic and social lives of Kirinyaga residents. As the new leadership, we will support any efforts made towards realising the success of the project,” she said.

Speaking in Mwea, Ms. Wangechi further assured the business community across the county of their readiness to serve their interests in an effort to ensure that each trader maximizes his or her profit-making potential.

In bid to help locals maximize their profits, she said that the new board will explore external markets for the locals as well as put in place structures that will ensure that the produce are value added and branded with Kirinyaga trade -marks and logos prior to being exported within and without the country.

“Agriculture is the economic backbone of our county. Our rice, different brands of coffee and tea and horticultural produce are just a few of our unique and quality food and cash-crops that are locally grown in our County.”

“We want the world to have a taste of that and what better way to do it than help our people get access to such markets. It will also be our duty to ensure that what is exported from Kirinyaga has a trademark recognizing the origin of the goods or produce,” she said.

Her vice chair Gerishon Mbui challenged the county’s business community to think outside the box and contemplate on how the agricultural produce can be diversified to make useful items thus promoting industrialization.

He for example cited the avocado fruit which when mixed with other materials can be used in the manufacturing of plastic utensils.

He said such ideas need to be well thought out in the wake of the industrial park establishment.

“We need to widen our thinking capacity and start utilizing our agricultural produce in making other items besides food that will equally help us maximize our profits. In many cases you find that the farmer has been suffering loss especially when doing a particular crop,” he noted.

Peterson Wachira, a new elected director in the chamber said they will continue supporting the government of the day as it continues creating a conducive environment for the business community.

He challenged the business operators to actively participate in airing their views whenever the county government calls for public participation. He said this is the only forum that can enable the county and the business operators to come into an agreement thus formulating favorable terms for them.

Another director Emah Waithira lauded the new team as she called for unity and responsible leadership in the course of their term. She further urged locals to overwhelmingly join KNCCI to help strengthen and spur trade across the county.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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