Climate change resilience

Oct 12, 2023 - 11:53
Climate change resilience
Ken Mungai Nakuru County Chief Officer for Environment.


Thursday, October 12, 2023

KNA by Veronica Bosibori

The Nakuru County's Department of Water, Environment, and Climate Change today commenced a two-day induction workshop for ward climate change committees across all wards in Bahati and Subukia sub-counties in preparation for the anticipated El-Nino rains. 

The two-day training will prepare members of these committees to actualize actions and activities geared towards Climate Change resilience, adaptation and mitigation, and status updates. 

The trainees will also be taken through the process of the Kenya National Treasury and the World Bank (FLLOCA) programme aimed at funding community-driven climate change solutions. 

The committees will work with all community organs and development partners on priority investment areas including afforestation, desilting of water pans and farm ponds, and water harvesting among other key areas based on the relevant sectors. Including Agriculture, Environment, Water, Infrastructure, and Disaster risk management. 

Speaking during the forum, Chief Officer for Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Ken Mungai reiterated that the committee will link the community to the County Climate Change Fund at the ward level. 

He emphasized that they will likewise inform the communities of existing budget ceilings in advance of planning to allow the identification and implementation of projects that are within the budget and, prioritize the identified community needs. 

Julius Mwaniki, a resident of Subukia Ward commended both the national and county governments for highlighting and putting a lot of accentuating climate issues right to the grassroots since it’s a new occurrence that affects everyone. 

Adding that, having witnessed the effects of climate change almost everyone in the Subukia Ward was at the forefront of planting trees and doing everything possible to conserve the environment. 

Present during the training were Ag. Director of Climate Change, Grace Karanja, representatives from SEAF-Kenya, ALIN, WWF, SDI-Kenya, County Environment officers, and Ward Administrators. 

Courtesy; KNA



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