EU Engages Youth, Women to Embrace Environmental conservation

Jun 6, 2023 - 15:09
EU Engages Youth, Women to Embrace Environmental conservation
A EU delegation summit

Nairobi, Tuesday 6, 2023

KNA by Daisy Masinde/ Lucy Gitei

The European Union (EU) has launched its generation Green Climate Campaign in Kenya, aimed at highlighting EU's climate priorities and engaging young Kenyans to unlock opportunities in the green economy.

The campaign will also focus on finding solutions to plastic pollution, under the theme ‘#Beat Plastic Pollution’

Speaking during the launch held at Alliance Francaise in Nairobi to mark the World Environment Day, the European Union Ambassador to Kenya, Henriette Geiger reiterated EU’s commitment to help the Kenyan government create sustainable jobs for women and youth that are environmental friendly.

Ms. Geiger said, through the development of blue economy, Kenya can create jobs through fishing and tourism.

“There's an upcoming forum, "Go Blue," which entails the development of the blue economy, which will promote jobs like fishing and tourism,” she said.

She at the same time announced that EU has been doing a lot to reduce plastics through mitigation and adaptation in order to prepare members of the public embrace changes that will make Kenya become a green country.           

“Plastic pollution is not only harmful to the environment but also to the health. Over 400 million tonnes of plastic produced only nine percent is recycled,” stated the Ambassador.

She further highlighted that eighty percent of water garbage is plastic, an issue that European Union is actively helping the government to undertake 100pecent cent recyclable packaging, stressing that a clean home is a healthy home. 

Geiger attributed the causes of climate degradation to adults who had failed to adhere to environment conservation, noting that the ‘Go Green’ forum will help to create awareness among the young generation to address passive problems.

As the World celebrates the World Environment Day, the Green Climate campaign kicked off with a week of creative workshops, where pupils showcased puppets made from recycled plastic and narrated stories on environmental conservation. 

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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