Father on life sentence for defiling daughter

Jan 4, 2024 - 16:17
Father on life sentence for defiling daughter
Photo: Courtesy.


Thursday, January 4, 2024,

KNA by Kimani Tirus

A father of three has been committed to a life jail-term after a Loitoktok court found him guilty of defiling his 13-year-old daughter.

Lesinko Milia was convicted by Resident Magistrate Nelson Njuguna after the court proved that he defiled his daughter on October 23, last year at Olchoro village, Loitoktok Sub County.

During the trial, the court heard that on the material day, the accused committed the offense after his wife, Juliet Wanjiru left home at around 11.00 pm after a quarrel.

The girl had narrated to the court how the two quarreled and her mother left before the accused forced her to remain in the house as she attempted to follow her mother.

Later as they slept his father forced her to get out of bed and took her to the sitting room where he forced her to undress before defiling her.

The following morning on their way to school the girl narrated her ordeal to her mother after they met her as she was coming back home.

The matter was reported at Loitoktok police station and the accused was arrested while the minor was taken to Loitoktok Sub County Hospital for treatment.

In court, the accused had denied the allegations and in his defence said he was framed by his wife who had conspired with the daughter after frequent quarrels.

However, the court found prosecution had proved the case beyond reasonable doubt hence the conviction and sentencing.

Courtesy; KNA 


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