Government engages the public on cyber security regulations

Sep 15, 2023 - 14:54
Government engages the public on cyber security regulations
On the right the head of cyber security policy and standards at NC4, Dr David Njoga addressing the media in Eldoret on the left The Trade and Industrialization County Executive Committee Member (CECM) Martha Cheruto.


Friday, September 15, 2023

KNA by Judy Too

The National computer and cybercrimes coordination committee (NC4) conducted a public participation exercise on the draft regulations that seeks to incorporate feedback from citizens in the development of a secure cyberspace. Addressing the press during the public participation forum in Eldoret, the head of cyber security policy and standards at NC4, Dr David Njoga, noted that the country is going through digitization and the government is rolling out a lot of online services and because of that a lot of cyber security threats is likely to impact the citizens, government services as well as private businesses.

 “We have seen gaps in our legal framework and the government is committed to fortify the legal framework for protection of critical information infrastructure in the country as well as management of cybercrimes,” he said.

He said that the taskforce is in the process of seeking comments from the public that will be incorporated to enhance the drafted regulations.

 “We have been talking to the citizens and other stakeholders on the key components on the regulations that include protection of critical information infrastructure, having a cyber security operations centre to centrally manage the prevention, detection and response to cybercrimes as well a building capacity and capabilities for dealing with issues of cyber-crime,” said Njoga.

 He further noted that Cyber-crime is transnational and cross border and the regulations also dwell on issues of collaboration and cooperation where crimes which are committed across the borders can be prevented.

“As a taskforce we will incorporate the comments and this we believe will support our national agenda of digitization to protect our cyber space so that all Kenyans can do their businesses in a safe and secure cyberspace,” said Njoga.

 He noted that cyber security is a new and emerging domain which is very challenging therefore there will be an ongoing sensitization.

 “We shall map a broad-based sensitization programme nationally up to the grassroots as that is where the digital superhighway is also traversing to reach all citizens so that they can enjoy the services on the digital ecosystem,” he noted.

 He stated that the government is committed and the law enforcement agencies are continuously improving on the capacity and capabilities for investigations, prosecution and punishments of cyber perpetrators of cybercrimes.

 The Uasin Gishu County commissioner, Dr Eddyson Nyale noted that these regulations will give us a good direction to protect the country’s cyberspace.

He noted that recently the digital platform e-Citizen, responsible for government services suffered a cyberattack therefore this type of measures will protect the government and its citizens from cyber-attacks and data breaches.

The Trade and Industrialization County Executive Committee Member (CECM) Martha Cheruto further noted that security begins with an individual and everybody needs to be the first to secure their devices and information because the impact of someone accessing your information illegally has a huge impact.

  “When someone accesses information illegally that is a threat to someone's privacy, economy of the country, and wealth of an individual therefore the measures that have been put for an individual, organisation, business and country at large becomes a critical responsibility for everybody.

Courtesy; KNA




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