Government pledges to solve hawkers menace at the Likoni Crossing channel

Aug 3, 2023 - 08:23
Government pledges to solve hawkers menace at the Likoni Crossing channel
Likoni Crossing channel in Mombasa County.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

KNA by Sadik Hassan

Mombasa County Commissioner Mr. Abdirisack Jaldesa has put on notice roadside hawkers in the ferry area on both Island and Likoni sides to relocate to avert a disaster akin to the one which occurred in Londiani last month where 52 people lost their lives.

After the tragic Londiani accident, Cabinet Secretary for Roads and Transport Kipchumba Murkomen ordered the relocation of markets along the road reserve.

In recent months, the ferry area has witnessed an increase in passengers in the peak hours following the indefinite closure of the Liwatoni floating bridge by the Kenya Ports Authority.

Thousands of passengers disembarking from the ferry towards the matatu terminus have to share the road with vehicles as pedestrian’s walkways have been invaded by hawkers.

The County Commissioner said the roadside hawkers posed a great risk to drivers and passengers, thus the need to relocate them to a safe place.

He vowed to restore sanity in the chaotic ferry area for the safety of pedestrians and hawkers. “If a lorry fails brakes what will happen?” he posed.

“We will take action in conjunction with the County Government to ensure there is no blockage of the road and hawkers are not doing their businesses in the middle or along the roads, especially in a crucial place like the ferry,” said Jaldesa when he met TukTuk drivers to listen to their grievances.

TukTuk drivers lamented the lack of a TukTuk terminus, forcing them to pick up and drop passengers in the middle of the roads. The drivers appealed to the County Government to set aside a stage for TukTuks to prevent arrests by the Traffic Police.

“The biggest challenge is between us and hawkers. Hawkers don't have a market they are selling their wares along the road leaving no space for Tuktuks to park,” said Tsuma Salim, Chairman of Ferry TukTuk drivers.

“The hawkers are blocking vehicles going to board the ferry, prompting incessant crackdowns by traffic officers. Passengers disembarking from the ferry should know where to find TukTuks.We urge the County government to relocate the hawkers,” said Salim.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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