Illicit brewers urged to shift to alternative businesses

Nov 28, 2023 - 16:25
Illicit brewers urged to shift to alternative businesses
Likuyani location Chief Bonivanture Lugado (in jungle jacket) and area village elders after destroying 2000 litres of ‘kangara’ at an illicit brewers den at Muriola village in Seregeya Sub location.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

KNA by Melechezedeck Ejakait

Likuyani location Chief Bonivanture Lugado has appealed to chang’aa brewers in Likuyani Sub County to stop the trade and venture into alternative income generating activities.

Lugado made the appeal after leading a number of village elders in destroying over 2000 litres of ‘kangara’ at Muriola village in Seregeya Sub location.

 He advised the brewers to take advantage of the interest free loans the government is offering through affirmative funds and venture into legal businesses.

During the impromptu raid in one of the notorious dens in the location the owner was arrested and 100 litres of chang’aa impounded.

Lugado warned illicit brewers that their days are numbered and vowed to intensify the crackdown across all the sub locations.

He said: “This should be a warning to all chang’aa brewers. I will not allow any illicit trade in my location. Consumption of illicit alcohol has destroyed the lives of many youths in the location.

 “Most of them are now leading meaningless lives. The aged men have also abdicated their family responsibilities including paying school fees for their children.

“Theft cases are also on the rise as culprits steal and take the stolen items to the dens in exchange of brew.”

Lugado urged members of the public to continue supporting the fight against illicit liquor for the benefit of the society and the future generations.

Courtesy; KNA


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