Jamhuri celebrations in Narok to be held at Suswa, Narok East Sub county

Dec 2, 2023 - 14:37
Jamhuri celebrations in Narok to be held at Suswa, Narok East Sub county
The planning committee meeting on the Jamhuri day celebrations at the Narok County Commissioner’s boardroom


Saturday December 2, 2023

KNA by Ann Salaton

This year’s Jamhuri day celebrations in Narok County will be held at Suswa Primary School in Narok East Sub County.

Narok County Commissioner Isaac Masinde said they had agreed with the county governor Patrick Ntutu to hold the celebrations in the Sub County so as to take the National event to the grass roots, where the current administration had not held the celebrations.

“Since Governor Ntutu took office, we have held the celebrations in Narok West, Narok South, Kilgoris and Emurua Dikir constituencies, this year, we are holding the celebrations in Narok East constituency,” he said.

The CC underscored the importance of scaling down the celebrations to the constituencies saying they bring cohesion, integration and foster national unity and pride as the residents participate in the celebrations.

He spoke at his office boardroom in a meeting attended by top security officials in the county among them County Police Commander John Kizito and Criminal Investigation Officer Mwenda Ethaiba.  

Also in attendance were county officials led by County Executive Committee Member (CECM) in charge of Public Service and Administration Ms. Josephine Ngeno.

Commissioner Masinde asked residents to volunteer in large numbers to attend the function that will be led by the County Governor and himself.

“National celebrations like the Jamhuri day are important days in the Kenyan Calendar as they offer a chance for the residents to remember and appreciate the history of their country,” he said, adding that they also foster patriotism as the residents are reminded of their duty to serve the nation. 

He reiterated that the entertainment will be geared towards appreciating the theme of the day as the entertainers will present their diverse rich culture, the achievements the nation has made as well as spiritual nourishment.

The national celebration's climax is marked by the reading of the President’s speech that is read on his behalf by the county commissioners at the county level. However, in the Sub County celebrations, the speech is read by the Deputy County Commissioners.

Courtesy; KNA 



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