Kalonzo vows constitutional action against government’s secretive dealings

Oct 22, 2024 - 17:29
Oct 22, 2024 - 17:31
Kalonzo vows constitutional action against government’s secretive dealings
Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka. Photo/Courtesy.

By Robert Mutasi

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka reiterated his commitment to fight against what he termed the government’s "opaque, non-competitive and secretive" handling of national resources.

In a strong statement, Musyoka vowed that the opposition would employ every constitutional tool at their disposal to prevent the current regime from "auctioning" the country in ways that bypass public scrutiny.

“We continue to assure Kenyans that we will use every constitutional tool at our disposal to prevent this regime from selling our country in an opaque, non-competitive and secretive auction,” Musyoka declared.

He further added, "We will not surrender our country to these later-day merchants of Venice," evoking strong imagery to emphasize the seriousness of his concerns.

The opposition has repeatedly raised the alarm over what it sees as deals conducted behind closed doors, bypassing competitive bidding processes, and failing to involve the necessary legislative or public oversight.

For instance, previous deals, such as the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) contracts and other major infrastructure projects, have faced scrutiny from opposition figures and civil society alike.

Questions regarding accountability and the potential burden of debt on the country have continued to arise.

Musyoka’s recent statement seems to be a continuation of these long-standing concerns about government transparency and integrity.

Musyoka, who has held several senior government positions including that of Vice President, has framed the opposition's fight within the bounds of constitutionalism.

His use of the phrase "constitutional tools" likely refers to legal challenges, parliamentary scrutiny, and possible public protests, all mechanisms that opposition leaders have relied on in recent years to hold the government accountable.

By invoking these measures, the Wiper Party leader signals a commitment to peaceful and lawful opposition.

His emphasis on constitutional avenues suggests that the opposition will continue to use parliamentary procedures, judicial petitions, and public demonstrations to counter what they view as opaque governance.

Kalonzo's statement comes at a time of growing tension between the government and the opposition.

As President William Ruto’s administration continues to face economic challenges, particularly with rising public debt, controversial international agreements, and accusations of mismanagement, opposition leaders like Musyoka have intensified their calls for accountability.

The public sentiment echoes this concern, with many Kenyans demanding greater transparency in how national resources are managed.

As the political climate continues to heat up, it remains to be seen how these opposition efforts will shape the country's governance.

Musyoka's forceful stance is indicative of the broader pushback against what many perceive as the government's failure to include the public in key decisions.

Whether or not these opposition efforts will result in significant policy changes or government concessions is yet to be determined.

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