Kenyans urge new cabinet secretaries to implement their vision

Aug 7, 2024 - 17:55
Kenyans urge new cabinet secretaries to implement their vision

By Robert Mutasi 

Kenyans have called on the recently appointed cabinet secretaries to exercise accountability.

This is just a few hours after the National Committee on Appointments issued a vetting report in parliament on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

Kenyans, led by Susan Adhiambo Gumbo, expressed their high expectations for the cabinet secretaries to keep their promises to the people.

Kenyans asked the CSs to stay away from politics and instead direct their energy to carry out their duties in the relevant Ministry.

They pushed the leaders to focus on creating developments that will appear to satisfy the people rather than bragging about their position as leaders.

"We want to see leaders not just politicians and those who beat their chests that they have achieved because chest-dumping does not bring any manner of development it only creates chaos and such as Gen Z uprising," she said.

The leaders were asked to make the most of this chance to foster development to Kenyans.

"The Cabinet Secretaries that have been appointed to rise to the occasion not to loose this moment in history," stated Adhiambo.

They emphasized that they expect the ministers to show competence and save Kenyans from the pit of problems that have been befalling them from time to time.

In addition, they have urged the CSs to carry out their duties according to the law.

"We expect the new leaders, the CS to be able to show leadership at a time like this and restore the hopelessness that Kenyans have been experiencing of the many things that have been going wrong in this country," she said.

"We expect that they will discharge their duties responsibly and in accordance with the law," she added.

The nominated CS came before the National Committee on Appointments and were assessed by asking questions thay seemed to test their capabilities.

The Committee approved nineteen out of the twenty cabinet secretaries nominated, while rejecting one. 

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