KPLC holds public sensitization amidst a rise in transformer vandalism

Dec 20, 2023 - 17:37
KPLC holds public sensitization amidst a rise in transformer vandalism
Murang’a County CC, Joseph Mukuria, KPC Mt Kenya region Manager Ariel Mutegi, and Murang’a County Police Commander David Mathieu during the flag-off. (Photo by Florence Kinyua).


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

KNA by Florence Kinyua

The Kenya Power Company has embarked on sensitizing the public in Murang’a County on the safe use of electricity, illegal power connections, and transformer vandalism.

Speaking in Kenol, Wednesday during the flag-off of the customer sensitization roadshow, Kenya Power’s Regional manager, Mt Kenya Dr. Eng Ariel Mutegi observed that Murang’a County has had increased cases of transformer vandalism.

“In the last three months we have witnessed vandalism of eight transformers which is too unfortunate because as much as the company has incurred massive losses the customers have suffered the most and the security of the public has been compromised when blackouts occur from time to time,” he said

 He noted that through a multi-agency approach to the issue, together with the help of the members of the public, some suspects had already been arrested in connection with the vandalism and were aiding police in the investigation to end the menace.

  “We have 2800 transformers in Murang’a county and we do not want any of our customers to go without electricity during the festive season. That is why we are calling on members of the public to be extra vigilant as not all blackouts are as a result of a technical hitch,” said Eng Mutegi.

He added, “together with the government administrators, we will do our best to thwart these vandals once we get information from members of the public whom we urge to stay alert especially those within the vicinity of transformers”.

  The surge in scrap metal dealers in the county observed Mutegi, has also perpetuated the vandalism as vandals target the copper wire inside the transformer for sale to scrap metal dealers.

 Eng Mutegi further sent a strong message of warning to those vandalizing the transformers as the Energy Act stipulates that a person who willfully vandalizes or attempts to vandalize energy installation and infrastructure or steals or attempts to steal or destroys any energy appliance or illegally handles any energy equipment is deemed to have committed an economic crime and upon conviction is liable to a fine of not less than Sh.5M or imprisonment of 10 years or both.

He also noted that in the future the Power Company will have diverse ways to deter vandalism by making adjustments on the poles by raising the transformers even higher as well as erecting them in compounds.

On his part, Murang’a County commissioner Patrick Mukuria said the county security team in collaboration with residents has formed transformer surveillance committees in all the sub-counties to ensure no vandalism takes place.

The CC said with the help of the committees and members of the public, they have managed to thwart many attempted transformer vandalisms.

 “It is not only KPC that suffers in case of blackouts occasioned by transformer vandalism but business people like welders, barbers, and institutions like hospitals and the general public bear the brunt of vandalism the heaviest,” he said.

He further urged members of the public to be on the frontline to protect Kenya's power infrastructure and report those they witnessed interfering with the transformers.

Courtesy; KNA 

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