Mautuma residents benefit from a medical outreach

Apr 26, 2023 - 19:31
Mautuma residents benefit from a medical outreach
Health officials from Mautuma Sub County hospital-right attend to Mautuma ward residents in Lugari constituency on Tuesday during a one-day medical outreach at Musunzu PAG church. COURTESY: K.N.A.


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

K.N.A. - By Melechezedeck Ejakait

Hundreds of Mautuma ward residents in Lugari constituency on Tuesday benefited from a medical outreach sponsored by a spouse to area Ward Representative Charles Anyona.

Speaking during the one-day outreach at Musunzu PAG church, Pamela Anyona said the main objective was to bring health services closer to residents who are forced to travel to far-flung health facilities to seek medical attention.

Residents especially from Musunzu and its neighbouring villages have suffered for long. They are forced to travel to facilities in either Mukuyu or Mlimani which are several kilometers away.

She added, “The long distance makes most of them to give up easily. They don’t take their children to complete vaccines, they don’t go to hospital whenever they fall sick and neither do expectant mothers attend the requisite antenatal clinics. That is why I saw it wise to bring here the medical camp to assist them.

The outreach which was in collaboration with the department of health saw those who turned up receive free medical consultation, nutritional services, antenatal  clinic services while children aged five who had defaulted on vaccines were immunized.

Anyona appealed to Mautuma residents to always visit health facilities and undergo screening to establish their health conditions so that serious illnesses can be detected and treated early.

Ignoring diseases puts people in danger and raises the cost of medication. It is essential to undergo regular screening in order to identify illnesses at an early stage and ensure that we acquire proper medication earlier to avoid serious health implications,” She said reiterating her commitment to support more health programs in future.

Mautuma Sub County hospital nurse Elizabeth Moraa who led the health care team emphasized on the need for parents to ensure their children are fully immunized to guard them against diseases that can be immunized.

Today we have realized there are children who are defaulting immunization. I want to tell parents that a fully immunized child is less susceptible to diseases and therefore they should take immunization of their children seriously,” she said.

Moraa added that it is crucial to prioritize regular health screening in order to avoid detecting diseases at an advanced stage that requires serious medical attention to deal with.

Her colleague Cedric Onyuni who is a nutritionist said it is necessary for parents to ensure their children feed on a balanced diet warning that malnutrition among children leads to serious health conditions including stunted growth.


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